I saw these black ravens at the Dollar Store and couldn’t resist. There are only so many black ravens you can put around your front step though, so I snagged two to make this cake topper.

Materials: 2 black birds, white ribbon, scissors, 2 straight pins, alphabet stickers (I found these bronze glitter ones at Michael’s).
Step 1: Cut a length of ribbon that is a few inches longer than the width of your cake. (I had an 8-inch cake, so I cut about 12 inches of ribbon). Take a straight pin, and two inches in from the end, weave the pin through the ribbon, back and forth to create a gather.
Step 2: Stick the pin with the ribbon on it directly under the bird’s beak (these birds are made out of styrofoam, so the pin should slide right in). Repeat with other bird.
Step 3: Lay out the birds with ribbon stretching between them and add your message with the alphabet letters. I wrote “Boo!” but considered “Happy Halloween!” “Happy Haunting!” or “Trick-or-Treat.” It was just too long to write “Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!”
October 30, 2013
perfect cake for halloween, very original design
Lisette Wolter-McKinley
October 30, 2013
Looks like I ought to hit up the dollar store more often. Cute idea!
October 30, 2013
What a great idea! I guess the question I need to start asking myself when I see something interesting is, What else can this be? Love your blog.
loulou downtown
October 30, 2013
That is excellent. Such a great idea to make a great looking Halloween cake!
October 30, 2013
Great design! What are the teeth made of?
Juliane at Modern Mural
October 30, 2013
I love the little banners.. Small details like those crows and other wall art helps me get in the mood for the holidays.
October 31, 2013
What a fun blog! I will definitely visit you again!
October 31, 2013
So original! Like the rest of your blog, love it!
November 2, 2013
This is so great! I had bought a
Raven at the dollar tree also and didn’t know what to do with it. This idea is perfect! Too bad I only bought one, but what a cute idea. What is the border around the bottom
Of the cake? Is that pumpkin seeds?