My older sister Sara saw the onsies I made for Betty and asked me to make some for her friend that recently had a baby. They came out so cute. I love the flag at the top of the sailboat. {p.s.: Sara, they are in the mail.}

My older sister Sara saw the onsies I made for Betty and asked me to make some for her friend that recently had a baby. They came out so cute. I love the flag at the top of the sailboat. {p.s.: Sara, they are in the mail.}
Design Mom
February 1, 2007
Really cute.
February 1, 2007
February 1, 2007
So cute. What’s the laundering on a screen printed T?
February 1, 2007
The ink is made for fabric so it stays on in the wash.
February 1, 2007
brilliant! Thank you!
February 1, 2007
so cute