I went to the flea market with Pepper, Mark, and Sharon. The Alameda Flea Market is the first Sunday of every month and you have to get up really early to go. It really is my favorite place in the whole world. I left my house at 7am. I ended up getting a really great table and a cool hand pin and some old photos and some typewriter keys. It was a wonderful trip.

Design Mom
October 2, 2006
What are you going to do with the typewriter keys?
October 2, 2006
that’s it. I’m wearing my retainer again.
October 2, 2006
Gabby: Nothing too fancy. They are going to be magnets.
Sharon: I thought you looked so pretty in that picture! No need for a retainer!
October 2, 2006
I’m sad I missed it! You have to take me next month.
October 2, 2006
I know!! On my way there I remembered we had talked about it. Next month we’ll totally go!
October 2, 2006
I have to get myself to some Flea Markets over here.