Tea length wedding dresses are so wonderful. If I wasn’t 5’4″ I would have picked a tea length dress. {Pics from brides.com}

Tea length wedding dresses are so wonderful. If I wasn’t 5’4″ I would have picked a tea length dress. {Pics from brides.com}
September 8, 2006
Amen. I think I’m going to have one. That way everyone can see your cute shoes!
Adriana Velez
September 8, 2006
I am 5’4 (well, 5’3 3/4) and still had a tea-length wedding dress. The key to making it work was a full-length veil. That and the skirt was a-line and all in tulle, which kept it all very light (dressmaker’s idea).
Why do I keep commenting on your blog?!?
Adriana Velez
September 8, 2006
I meant that in a nice way, by the way. OHD and Design Mom are two of my favorite blogs because they’re like a few pages of the niftiest magazine ever appearing on the interenet every day.
September 8, 2006
I took it in a nice way. 🙂