Paul and I were printing a letterpress job last night and an earthquake hit. All the other earthquakes I’ve slept through and/or didn’t notice. So this is my first real earthquake. I feel like I’m officially a San Franciscan.

Paul and I were printing a letterpress job last night and an earthquake hit. All the other earthquakes I’ve slept through and/or didn’t notice. So this is my first real earthquake. I feel like I’m officially a San Franciscan.
August 3, 2006
Me too!
August 3, 2006
I haven’t heard about it on the news. Was it small? Don’t you remember the earthquake is St. George?
August 3, 2006
Congrats on your first quake! Did you get under the table or in the doorway? They teach california kids “duck and cover” in school!
August 3, 2006
How is it that Mark and I were right up the street and didn’t feel even a tiny bit of shake?
I think growing up near the train tracks may have ruined my ability to feel earthquakes?
August 3, 2006
i didnt even feel it. thats how hardcore i am.
Paul Ferney
August 3, 2006
Hey Pepper, We were down at the Center for the Book on 16th and De Haro. I think if it had happened while we were at home we would have thought it was just the train.
August 3, 2006
Salem – I remember the St. George earthquake; it was the night before school pictures – very exciting!