I haven’t worked at Pottery Barn for three weeks and I went in last night and EVERYTHING was different. They’ve come out with a ton of new stuff. I love leather couches but the ones at Pottery Barn can sometimes look cartoony. I like this design. Its a little more classic. Both the lamp and the chair are anthropologieish. The night stand is rad. And the Zebra rug makes me happy

July 18, 2006
I know a boy named Brian that works there as a designer do you know him? he works PT cos he has his own business on the side.
July 18, 2006
Which Pottery Barn? Retail or corporate? There is a dude named Brian there but he works at the Gap corporate somewhere like that.
Hayan Design
July 18, 2006
Pretty! There’s a cool zebra rug in walmart, if you want to check it out. I made a featured in my blog about cool rugs a couple of days ago!
July 18, 2006
Hrm. Not sure, I just know he is a graphic designed for them in SF and is having a party on the 29th so I guess I can ask him then. and if you get an invite from a brian fro a party on the 29th I guess it’s the same guy.
there is bound to be nipple. just not from me. so you could wear your special new nipple shirt.