There are a few things in this world I feel very strongly about. Ribbon is one of them. The day when I have a wall of ribbon in my house I will silently pull out my short list of life goals and cross it off. Here are some ribbons from Renaissance Ribbons.
June 2, 2006
Jordan Anne,
Great selections, I love ribbons! Suprisingly a darling shop opened up recently in Highland, of all places and they have an amazing ribbon selection. They also sell the georgous tall birthday candles, and loads of other great things. This might seem small since you probably have one of these shops on every corner of San Fransisco but I know you remember what it is like in Utah, this shop is a Huge break through for our little community. It might actually be possible that Good Taste is spreding in Utah, hooray!
April 17, 2010
Nice blog, I like your sense of style
I work for Renaissance Ribbons and it’s great to see you feature some of our exclusive designs.
We have lots new things since your post and we just launched a new Ribbons website
get in touch!