I realized last night that I had completely forgotten stockings! We don’t have stockings OR stocking stuffers! Originally I was going to do some research and find some really beautiful stockings but I completely forgot. So I am going in to Pottery Barn this morning to pick up some plain quilted stockings. Then afterwards I will run around to pick up some of these small gifts. {I told Paul I was blogging about stockings today so he couldn’t read my blog until Monday.}
1. Candy We aren’t big candy eaters like we were when we were younger. So instead of loads of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups I will pick up some gourmet delicately decorated sugar cookies from Citizen Cake wrapped in a small pastry box. {Paul will get me some Rafaellos, my favorite!} We’ll also each get a can of olives because it is a tradition in my family.
2. Socks Banana Republic always makes good ones.
3. Hygiene Products A new toothbrush, Marvins Toothpaste, Sharps Men’s Products. I can pick all of these up at Pure Beauty.
4. Chotchkies Restoration Hardware’s little doodads are perfect! I will have to make a special trip across the Golden Gate Bridge to get there {the nearest one is in Corte Madera.}
5. Art Supplies I’ll pick up a few things like some good pens for sketching.
6. Books A sweet little novella, something paperbacked and bendy. Like Catcher in the Rye or a Carson McCullers book. I want something short that he can read over the break.
7. Music A few CD’s.
8. Something Special A stocking is a good place to put jewelry or watch.
December 21, 2006
I picked up a few of those little items at Restoration Hardware per your suggestion. They are darling. I am excited to see the response that they get. I usually just put candy in the stockings, so a few cute toys will be really fun.
December 21, 2006
Hey Jordan, if you want to go to Restoration Hardware this weekend, I’m in.
Design Mom
December 21, 2006
Sounds perfect.