I just I ran across these pics of Mariah Carey’s NYC Penthouse. I’m in awe. It’s even color coded. Ostentatious? yes! Would I put a smaller version in my dream house? yes!
{via Spirit Fingers}
I just I ran across these pics of Mariah Carey’s NYC Penthouse. I’m in awe. It’s even color coded. Ostentatious? yes! Would I put a smaller version in my dream house? yes!
{via Spirit Fingers}
July 27, 2006
It looks like a store! I would love to have a closet just big enough so I could iron my clothes & hang them up – too cramped for that now.
July 27, 2006
So I’ve read that most stars get their clothes for free. I hate looking at all that clothing and thinking she probably didn’t pay for most of it.
July 27, 2006
boo tile, boo. cezar’s palace?
July 27, 2006
It’s Mariah Carey. Most of it is probably latex anyway.
(sorry, but being mean takes the jealousy away)
July 28, 2006
mariah is all natural, you bitsh!
July 28, 2006
Not Mariah herself, her CLOTHES.
July 28, 2006
I think Mariah herself is latex.
July 28, 2006
we were in Times Square on New Year’s Eve, and Mariah was being interviewed by some cool dude, the whole time I was in the crowd behind her yelling “Beyonce! We Love you Beyonce!” I thought I was really funny.
July 28, 2006
thats about the best thing I’ve ever heard.
July 29, 2006
90 Franklin Street
New York, NY