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Crazy Cat Lady Costume

For the CUTEST halloween costume ever, you need not look further than the Crazy Cat Lady. I mean, picture a little kid clad in a curly grey wig, kitty slippers and a fuzzy robe covered in a mass of stuffed cats!  Of course, we couldn’t resist doing our version with Beanie Babies, (complete with their tags–cause they’re gonna be worth SO much someday. I mean really, its an investment)! It’s a simple costume with minimal crafting. Find out how we made it…

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Materials Needed: Fuzzy robe, stuffed cats, sewing thread, needle, scissors, floral pajamas, cat slippers, gray wig, glasses

Step 1: Plan where you want to place the cats on the robe. Thread the needle and sew the belly of a cat to the robe.

Step 2:  Repeat until the robe is covered with cats. Gather a grey wig, cat eye glasses, pants and slippers, and you’re set!

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Crazy Cat Lady Costume | Oh Happy Day!

Photography by Naomi Julia Satake
Crafting by Justine Pon
Concept by Fergi Johnson

Thanks to little M for modeling

  1. elissa

    October 4, 2017

    So cute!!

  2. Yvonne

    October 4, 2017

    We own a photo booth in a vintage Airstream trailer and are always looking for unique props – especially for pet adoption events! I MUST. HAVE. THIS!

    Love it! Your posts are rainbows and sunshine that show up in my inbox 🙂

  3. Belle

    October 4, 2017

    This could be a little Mrs Doubtfire costume too. Adorable!

  4. carla

    October 4, 2017

  5. Sophie

    October 4, 2017

    This is the best Halloween costume I’ve ever seen! I’ve seen so many great costumes this year. It’s going to be so hard to decide what to be.

  6. Shawna

    October 5, 2017

    OMG this is great!! Best costume idea!

  7. Doyle

    October 7, 2017

    This is so cuuuute! ❤ I love cats and I think this will be my future daily outfit.

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