I’m so excited to announce that we now have worldwide shipping in the Oh Happy Day Party Shop! So now we can party with the whole wide world! (We also sell this lovely giant earth balloon that is 100% biodegradable.)

I’m so excited to announce that we now have worldwide shipping in the Oh Happy Day Party Shop! So now we can party with the whole wide world! (We also sell this lovely giant earth balloon that is 100% biodegradable.)
June 5, 2015
WHOO HOO! This is the best news ever!
Kristi Craig
June 5, 2015
Yay! I just wish it was cheaper… is there cheaper shipping with the more you spend? (I couldn’t find details on the shop site).
Kristi | Be Loverly
June 6, 2015
Yay! thank you from down under!
Guðrún Vald.
June 8, 2015
Woohoo, that is great news for us in Iceland! I have been “window shopping” before and wishing for worldwide shipping before my sons birthdays. 🙂
June 8, 2015
Yay!! From Australia!
Elsie Pop
June 10, 2015
That balloon is amazing! Will be having a look at the shop now I can be shipped to! xx