by Chiara Alberetti Milott
In the market for an impressive and fairly easy cake topper for your little one’s birthday? Look no further, you can do this pretty number yourself in under half an hour.

Click through for instructions.
Materials: One Block of 5″ x 1″ x 11″ Crafting Styrofoam, Ruler, Knife, Sharpie, Mini-Ball Sprinkles, White Frosting, Off-Set Spatula, Spoon, Dish or Try with Low Rim, Wooden Skewer
Step 1: Draw a number ‘1’ on the styrofoam using the ruler and the sharpie. I did it freehand, but if you want, you could easily print out and trace an enlarged ‘1’.
Step 2: Carefully cut out the ‘1’ with the knife.
Step 3: Insert the skewer into the bottom of the number. You want to leave enough sticking out so it will fit flush on the cake, so it depends on your cake size. You can always cut it down later.
Step 4: Apply a thin coat of frosting to all sides of the number.
Step 5: Pour a good amount of sprinkles into your tray, dip the frosted ‘1’ in and coat as many sides as you can.
Step 6: Use a spoon to sprinkle on any hard to reach sides.
Step 7: Insert into cake and enjoy.
One……and done!
PS: Don’t forget to remind your guests that this is INEDIBLE! Trust me, they are going to ask!
July 9, 2013
Couldn’t you create the one out of rice crispy treats? It would probably take longer than 30 minutes but then it would be editable. 🙂
July 9, 2013
I mean *edible…
July 9, 2013
I thought they were candy sprinkles. Haha. Nonetheless, this DIY is cute!
Kayli Schattner
July 9, 2013
This is such a great idea! I can’t wait to try this out. Looks so easy even I (I’m way DIY challenged) could do it!
July 9, 2013
This post came about 3 days too late for me! Oh well…. there’s always 2.
July 9, 2013
It’s unbelievable! I’ll try it!
Natalie Britton
July 9, 2013
I never use the word epic… But this cake topper is just that. I’ll have to remember this for the future when I have children! Love it!
July 10, 2013
WOW this looks so good yet so simple, i just spent two days making this cake for my boyfriend. At least when I have kids creating the first birthday cake i’ll bare this easy idea in mind.
Thanks for sharing and loving your blog. x
July 10, 2013
I made a batch of rice crispy treats and smashed them together so they were more dense than a normal batch. I left them out over night and in the morning I cut out my son’s name (Evan) and iced and sprinkled them. It was easy with just a little planning ahead. It made my plan cake look super cute!
July 13, 2013
I love this and agree with Krista above about the marshmallow treats!
July 15, 2013
super duper cute and simple! and yeah, as noted above by a few other posters, rice krispy treats would be great! then the lucky birthday kid gets to chomp away at his/her special birthday number! (or, grandma gets to eat her number 90)… ^__^
party supplies online store
July 19, 2013
Good one….the colorful number on top of the cake would definitely attract the cute little kids. This decor will look good in any number.