For the first time ever, I will be hosting my family during the holidays. I am so excited and want to fill the apartment with festive cheer: cookies, eggnog, stockings, and all the little things that make Christmas feel special. In anticipation of their arrival I even bought a real tree (which was no small feat; getting 6 feet of Nova Scotian Balsam fir on a very crowded bus was truly a Christmas miracle!) and made some felt ornaments for it.

The ornaments were simple to make and the perfect way to spend an afternoon with a mug of warm cider.
Materials you will need: ivory felt, coloured felt, circle templates (I used the 2 parts of a jar lid), sewing needle and thread, embroidery thread, hole punch, scissors, and a disappearing ink pen.
Step 1: For each ornament you will need 2 ivory circles, 1 smaller coloured circle, and a ¼”x 6” ivory strip.
Step 2: Draw a star on the ornament front.
Step 3: Punch out the center.
Step 4: Cut the radial arms of the star, making sure not to cut all the way to the edge or centre.
Step 5: Pinch the centre of each wedge and secure with sewing thread.
Step 6: Stack the layers together – ivory circle, coloured circle, hanging loop, and ornament front – and sew closed with the embroidery thread.
I plan to embroider initials or the year on the backs, and give them away as parting gifts. Maybe it will even start a new tradition, with a different ornament commemorating each year.
December 15, 2011
hi steph! it looks like you posted this NEW post on your OLD blog RSS feed! I just wanted to let you know! i only happened to notice because i kept your old feed in an archived folder in my Google Reader for all the stuff i had starred from there. now i noticed a new post in this old feed, but it didn’t show up in your NEW feed… not yet, anyway. merry early christmas!
December 15, 2011
just kidding. i spoke too soon. any ideas for saving my starred items in Google Reader to your new feed? i don’t want to lose the starred posts from your blog!
December 15, 2011
Cute! These remind me of Christmas cookies! My son is in French class, and we are making French Christmas cookies this afternoon (for extra credit–helpful)!
December 15, 2011
These are great – and really do look simple
Bought some felt the other day to make tree decorations, then wasn’t quite sure what to do with it… you may have solved my problem!
Liz Willis
December 15, 2011
These are truly darling. Thanks for sharing!
December 15, 2011
This is such a great tutorial! Thanks for the inspiration!
December 15, 2011
These are so sweet! And I agree with Judy. They do have a “cookie” look to them.
December 15, 2011
how cute! lovely idea:)
December 15, 2011
I love these! They are so cute! Happy sewing!
December 15, 2011
you are so talented and creative jordan! did you think this design up on your own? you are amazing!
no! My contributor Steph Hung did! Click on her byline at the top. Her work is beautiful!
December 15, 2011
Love these. I’m adding this to my weekend “to-do” list. So cute.
December 15, 2011
i’m thinkin i’m due to make some homemade ornaments for friends!
katie {the parsley thief}
December 15, 2011
I love these ornaments! I wanted to get a little felt ornament tutorial up on my blog this year, but it seems with how busy I will be in the coming days I won’t get to it. I started making them when my two boys were born and try to make a few new ones every year. But – I have to say your ornaments put mine to shame 🙂
I hope you have a lovely holiday!
I love your blog by the way 🙂
December 16, 2011
OMG I am so wishing we were family right now so I could be going to Paris for Christmas. How fun. These ornaments are fabulous. Once again, thanks for the inspiration.
Hannah @ Sparrow + Spark!
December 16, 2011
These are really sweet!
Maddie Flanigan
December 16, 2011
Good luck with the family! With those ornaments, you’ll win them over!
December 16, 2011
Oh my goodness this is absolutely adorable. What a sweet little ornament to hang on the tree.
December 16, 2011
These are beautiful- sure to become an heirloom.
December 16, 2011
beautiful! Great job!
December 17, 2011
Those are so pretty and such a simple idea. Thank you very much for sharing.
December 17, 2011
I just made two of these as gifts. added the year to the back as well. thinking I’ll start a tradition & do a new ornament every year (hope you post something cute next year too) 😉
December 18, 2011
I just made two of them as well! I wish I had started earlier in the season. Now I feel obsessed with making at least a dozen before the big day! Love them! And I feel so crafty without actually being crafty … which, I guess, is kinda the definition of being crafty.
December 18, 2011
These look sweet! One question, though: Any reason not to do the decoration on both sides?
December 18, 2011
Very nice!
December 19, 2011
I love these ornaments – so, so beautiful!
December 20, 2011
These ornaments are adorable. Thank you so much for sharing. These will look great on my eclectic tree.
December 22, 2011
I have been making felted Christmas decorations this year, classic ones like stars or angels in red and green with lots of old buttons stitched on! But this one is so original! I will definitely try it!
December 22, 2011
@BrendaLynn – I don’t see any reason not to do the decoration on both sides! Double the work, but double the cute. I think I’ll try that kind next.
December 23, 2011
These are very special. How I wish you could have posted pics of hauling the tree home. Have a wonderful time celebrating.