Today is a fun day. For those who don’t know my husband is an oil painter. His new site launched today and it is beautiful. He was an Art Director the first ten years of his career and I’m so proud of him and the transition the last year or two to be a full time painter. Really, I am his biggest fan. Go here to see more.

October 4, 2011
beautiful work! you guys are so inspiring. it takes a lot of courage (and talent) to go from working for somebody to working for yourself. well done! x
Lindsey Gerrish
October 4, 2011
Absolutely gorgeous work…and I agree with the comment above. Take alot to go out on your own so cheers to that, but with his talent I’m sure it will turn out to be an amazing decision. I’m particularly in love with “Duboce Park at Midnight”.
October 4, 2011
It is so nice to see you all supporting each other. I love his work and am very hopeful for the new venture! xo
October 4, 2011
that is a dream. i love his work. so… american. i’m so proud of you two. dream couple really.
ps, !
Hannah @ Sparrow + Spark!
October 4, 2011
Yes I agree, you’re both so inpspiring! Great work!
October 4, 2011
Love the new site!!
October 4, 2011
Paul’s work is beautiful. I love it.
October 4, 2011
Beautiful work, excellent. The new site looks great.
October 4, 2011
So talented! I site is great too!
Sarah @
October 4, 2011
Aw, isn’t it great as a wife to be so proud of your husbands work. I love seeing the progress my hubs does. It just warms my heart. Especially since one of his biggest motivations is to provide for us. I love my man. It’s great that you love yours. I’m checking out his website. Funny enough my hubs (who doesn’t read blogs) stumbled across your husbands paintings when you had those 50 spots open to turn pictures into paintings. Totally random.
BTW I’m guest posting about mommy fashion over at The Short and the Sweet of It this morning. You should stop by if you get a second =)
– Sarah
October 4, 2011
Paul’s work is beautiful. I discovered his work through your blog several years ago. I am so glad there was a Paris section on his new website! It is coming soon and I can’t wait. Please announce it here.
October 4, 2011
I really love Paul’s style and am quite excited to see this! I hope all goes better than he or you have imagined.
October 4, 2011
Wow that looks just beautiful, paintings and website! Can I post on my blog some of the lovely cakes and of course mention your husbands site?
rebecca s.
October 4, 2011
very beautiful site! congrats to you both!
October 4, 2011
San Fran is one of my favorite cities and your husband’s work took me there. I am also an art director who loves to paint and I am inspired by your journey and encouraged by your support of his passion. Thanks for sharing – can’t wait to see the new work out of your Paris adventure.
Kate @ Stripes and Polka Dots
October 4, 2011
I love Paul’s work! So inspiring. Thanks for posting the new site, it looks great!
October 4, 2011
Paul’s new site looks incredible. I am so glad that he is able to paint full time. I was pleased to see that my very own Ferney landscape is featured on his site. We love the painting we bought from him.
I have very fond memories of painting with him during our undergraduate studies. He was always very inspiring.
October 5, 2011
Aw, that’s so sweet! Your hubby’s artwork is spectacular; I love the Let Them Eat Cake collaboration between you two!
October 5, 2011
I am in love with all the cakes. Great to see a link for online shopping, especially with the holidays around the bend!
Elizabeth Lee
October 5, 2011
Beautiful! I will most definitely be purchasing from the Let Them Eat Cake section to add some flare to my small apartment kitchen : )
Sarah @ Designsgood
October 5, 2011
How exciting! The site looks fantastic!
October 5, 2011
His work is beautiful and the new site is fantastic. You have every right to be very proud of him!
October 12, 2011
I am so happy that I got in with The Commission Project, just in time. I cant wait to see it!
I miss SF, we lived there for 9 months, it was amazing. It would have been wonderful to meet you both. Best of luck to Paul, his work is amazing!