It is so warm today! We decided to celebrate the warm weather (finally!) with a trip to get some Berthillon ice cream on Ile Saint Louis behind Notre Dame. Our favorites so far are passion fruit and pear–sooo good. There are so many things to explore now that the weather is warming up, you can feel the whole city in a good mood. (Ps: Thanks to Sharon for holding our cones (and not eating them) while I took Moses in search of a potty.
Berthillon Ice Cream | 29-31 rue Saint Louis en l’ile 75004 Paris | Metro: Pont Marie
photos by Paul Ferney for Oh Happy Day
March 25, 2011
oh my gosh, moses is a cute little hipster!
March 25, 2011
I'm heading to Paris in a couple of days for my first time. I've been salivating over all of your (and your sister's) posts. I feel like you've been my special tour guide! I hope that sunshine sticks around a little longer.
March 25, 2011
In the first picture I thought, "ooh, check out Moses posing by two hot french chicks!" And those hot french chicks were you two! How fun! I love the black top, bright skirt, black tights, saddle shoes look. Really love it.
March 25, 2011
Oh, I used to go there all the time when I lived in Paris! How I miss it…
Doesn't spring sun and ice cream just make you happy?
March 25, 2011
Passion fruit FTW! Our bike ride in Paris took us here for a break!
wishful nals
March 25, 2011
Berthillon is my favorite thing in the world. No joke. In fact, my favorite spot in Paris is a bench on the corner of Ile-st-louis overlooking the hotel de ville. Sitting there with a boule of pear sorbet. Few things are better in life!
wishful nals
March 25, 2011
Berthillon is my favorite thing in the world. No joke. In fact, my favorite spot in Paris is a bench on the corner of Ile-st-louis overlooking the hotel de ville. Sitting there with a boule of pear sorbet. Few things are better in life!
March 25, 2011
yum! i love berthillon ice cream… definitely some of the best in the world!
March 25, 2011
Berthillon–yum! There are some really fun shops on Ile St-Louis, too–maybe even on that same street, if I'm remembering correctly…
Enjoy the beautiful spring!
March 25, 2011
you are killing me! i have spent many summers in paris and some time with my kids. bertillion is heaven – i have such amazing memories of it! thanks….
March 25, 2011
This past summer I tried the praline & pignon and it was AWESOME! Please have some for me the next time you go back.
March 25, 2011
Oh my goodness, Moses is an adorable little guy! Looks like you had a great time.
March 25, 2011
oh my! Moses has always been presh but he is really upping it now that he's Parisian
angela hardison
March 25, 2011
that sounds so good right now. adore your outfit and must chime in to add that yes, moses is such a cutie.
celine navarro
March 25, 2011
Bertillon…my favorite place in Paris
Everytime I go there, I simply can't resist having a vine peach and wild strawberries…°sigh°
Miss K
March 25, 2011
Please tell us about your friend's tights!
March 25, 2011
How lovely! I just got back from Paris for the first time. I loved it.
Monica from Hola!design
March 25, 2011
I was lucky enough to go to Paris a few years ago and made sure to try Berthillon ice cream. I'll never forget.
Also, there's a little shop on the same street that sell mustards. all kinds of mustards. I recommend it. Can't remember the name of the shop, though.
enjoy the weather!
Monica from Hola!design
March 25, 2011
Oh the name of the shop is L'Epicerie!
March 26, 2011
Hi there
I love the chocolate shop up the street from the ice cream store. Where they make art with chocolate. Every time I've been there I see a crowd of people staring in the window at the display. Love it! There is an apartment right above the chocolate shop that I have rented several times.
Elsa Johnson
March 26, 2011
I love how Paris is so gorgeous that even a little trip to the ice cream shop is just beautiful!
March 26, 2011
there is a great japanese fabric store about 3 blocks from there in marais
Savvy in San Francisco
March 26, 2011
I love Berthillon! It is my favorite ice cream in Paris! My husband and I were engaged at the tip of Ile Saint Louis, so I adore that tiny island. My favorite flavor is their salted caramel….close call between Berthillon and Bi-Rite Creamery Salted Caramel.
March 26, 2011
Could be be cuter? I love your outfit.
Trevor and Shannon
March 27, 2011
I don't think I would have been able to restrain myself from eating that ice-cream cone.
P.S. I love Moses shirt and I know you mentioned before where you got it at. Would you mind telling me where it is from? I would love to buy one for my son:)
"hi, i'm ginnybranch stelling and i love love."
March 28, 2011 saw this frenchie's guide to paris- it could be fancy because she's an editor for french elle, but i thought of you and maybe they are some gems in there!
Fashalina aka The Hyperbalist
March 28, 2011
oh my goodness his blonde curls are to die for. What heavenly hair…
March 28, 2011
Oh my God, two years ago I stood at that very spot with my husband eating some Berthillion. I tried a berry flavor. Bring back memories.
March 29, 2011
Moses is adorable! He looks like a cherub!
March 30, 2011
Be still my heart! Berthillion's is the best. I will always wait in line for them, especially the orange sanguine!!
molly ruth
March 31, 2011
your skirt=spring!! so pretty!
March 31, 2011
My favorite ice cream in the entire world…and what a handsome and stylish guy Moses is!
April 6, 2011
navy dress, grey tights, and brown boots? totally borrowed that idea for my outfit today and have gotten about 10 compliments already. just thought i should give credit where credit is due!
also – moses could not be any cuter!!
Emma Ann Robertson
April 6, 2011
Okay so your blog is making me so happy with all this Paris talk
I was a bicycle tour guide and we would always take our tours to get some tasty ice cream at Berthillon** Keep the posts coming so I can live vicariously through you okay!?
April 12, 2011
where is little Roman? is the shirt from Petite bateau?
April 14, 2011
That ice cream. Those skirts. That cute little'un. What a fun little montage!
April 24, 2011
sweet memories … we used to enjoy them a lot when we were living in Paris …
Notre Vie Juteuse
April 26, 2011
LOVE LOVE Berthillon ice cream. Every time we are in Paris we have to stop there. Just wanted to welcome you to France. I follow your sisters blog and just found yours. My husband and I live in the southwest, just north of Toulouse. We moved here in 2008 for 1 year, went back to Los Angeles, sold our business, packed up everything (including the dogs) and moved back for good. Hoping you can stay longer than 1 year too.