I love all the colors changing, I’m finally in the mood for Fall. (I even started planning a Christmas Party.) The first photo is from Martha Stewart and the bottom two are from Design Sponge.

I love all the colors changing, I’m finally in the mood for Fall. (I even started planning a Christmas Party.) The first photo is from Martha Stewart and the bottom two are from Design Sponge.
October 28, 2010
Beautiful Images!
xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com
Douglas Adams
October 28, 2010
awesome photography
Hello. I'm Junita.
October 28, 2010
The pumpkin photo has been on my desktop for the last two weeks. I love all the fall colors too 🙂
molly ruth
October 28, 2010
so pretty!! gourds and squash just rock my world in the fall.
Kari Lønning
October 28, 2010
Absolutely wonderful. I tell people that it's color that excites me … from a lowly, mundane paint chip display to the heights of something as well designed and thought out as yours gourds and pumpkins … sigh …
Kari Lønning
October 28, 2010
p.s. the tomatoes are exceptional as well.
October 28, 2010
These pictures are so beautiful! They make me happy 🙂
October 28, 2010
i love those 2 design sponge pictures. theyre so great.
October 29, 2010
You are in Sunset magazine! congratulations!
Sofie from Envelop.eu
October 29, 2010
pumpkins pumpkins pumpkins
jum jum jum
just love fall and it's wonderful ingredients
October 29, 2010
Very Andy Goldsworthy-like! I love arranging things by colour, but I hardly ever do it myself.
I've been in fall mood for ages! It's my favourite time!
Lynda D'Souza
October 29, 2010
Yes finally feeling 'fall' too and its only 8 weeks to Summer! where has this year gone!
October 30, 2010
Grab the joy of all celebrations by sending gifts and flowers from http://www.giftsflowersmarseille.com.
nassim haramein
October 31, 2010
Miss B.
November 1, 2010
wonderful collection!
November 1, 2010
Beautiful – amazing how nature never fails to inspire!
November 2, 2010
fall colors are lovely..Thank You for ths exciting post with such lovely pictures. I am a jewelry designer and a lot of my creations are inspired by fall..
Styles 'n Cream
November 8, 2010
I love fall colors too. They make me so happy.
Have a lovely day!