I don’t think you can ever have too many printed canvas totes. They are perfect to fill will groceries, lunch, library books and run out the door. Here are a few pretty black and white bags. The “Hold Me” one cracks me up.

I don’t think you can ever have too many printed canvas totes. They are perfect to fill will groceries, lunch, library books and run out the door. Here are a few pretty black and white bags. The “Hold Me” one cracks me up.
Suzie @ cupcake monkey
August 31, 2010
ahaha I love , "HOLD ME."!!
August 31, 2010
The French grocery list bag reminds me of a tv show called Flight of the Conchords & their song "Foux de Fa Fa". Love it!
August 31, 2010
no, these days- u sure can't have too many!
i saw a funny one the other day that said, "my other bag is a louis vuitton"
August 31, 2010
I love these bags! I have a tote at home that is very plain… perhaps I shall invest in stencils and fabric paint! 🙂
Kaira Klueber
August 31, 2010
i love them, so cute! My fiance bought me one that says I love you more than _________. And you get to fill in the blank, cute right?
Nicole Marie
August 31, 2010
i have the grocery list one!! i got me and all my roomates them for christmas. never enough canvas bags in san francisco! i use them for everything!
Joanna Goddard
September 1, 2010
Kristi Beth
September 1, 2010
Love! I am obsessed with tote bags!
September 2, 2010
gotta love a good tote 🙂
September 2, 2010
The French Grocery List tote was sort of inspired by Flight of the Concords! I have relisted on my etsy (since I 'sold out' previously). thanks for the blog <3!
Sarah Buttenwieser
September 3, 2010
Funny, but I just wrote about how maybe you can have too many canvas totes!
It wasn't my idea, but my friend's & I decided she might just be right…
September 3, 2010
This is so cool! I love the french grocery list!
September 4, 2010
i was going to say i love the 'hold me' bag but then i realized i love them all! you can never have too many, right?
Taylor Sterling
September 4, 2010
I love the french grocery list! Perfect!
September 4, 2010
my two year old says "hold you" when she wants me to pick her up and hold her, so I'm a bit partial to the "hold me" although i hope she never corrects the way she says it!
love the bags.
September 4, 2010
love the bags..
Alycia (Crowley Party)
September 24, 2010
cute cute cute 🙂
November 14, 2010