I turn 30 on Sunday and it feels so anticlimactic. This baby is showing signs he is coming earlier than his due date (my first was 3 weeks early) so I ended up canceling the party I was planning. We were going to do a dinner party for 20 people and I was going to buy pregnant suits in bulk make everyone wear one so I wouldn’t be the only one with a 9 month belly. (It makes me laugh everytime I think about people having to wear muumuus to my party.) I’m trying real hard not to feel sorry for myself because I know its a dumb reason but I REALLY like a good party. We’ll probably throw something small together last minute but in the mean time I’m going to pout for an hour or two.
PS: Onto a topic of people who have real problems- I donated this morning to Doctors without Borders. They are already in Haiti and have an infrastructure set up.
This picture taken about a year ago by Juliann Wheeler.
January 14, 2010
Hey Jordan.
Sorry you're feeling sad.
I've been meaning to contact you about the new baby and some info I have about the surgery(Hope I;m not crossing the line here, but it may help a lot).
My email is mallilingm@yahoo.com
Don't worry, the skies are going to clear up!!
I hope you have a wonderful Birthday, in the company of all your friends and loved ones!
January 14, 2010
Oh dear, poor you. Yes mr Ferney- a nice treat is certainly in order!
Hope you have amazing day, whatever form it takes.
January 14, 2010
Happy early birthday! Maybe you could do a 30 1/2 birthday party later this year? Or you could have an un-birthday party any day!
Or next year you can have a "Deja Vu" 30th!
January 14, 2010
my 30th on Tuesday is also going to be anticlimactic, but anyway, i hope you have a quiet and stress-free birthday this Sunday.
January 14, 2010
poor baby.
January 14, 2010
sorry you're missing the party (i read your tweet before this post).
hopefully your birthday will be amazing + the party just delayed ….
Kate F.
January 14, 2010
Don't feel guilty–go ahead and pout! I am pregnant with my first and realized that I'll be 2 weeks out from giving birth when my 30th birthday rolls around, which definitely kills my "rent a lake house" idea. I've been a little down about it too, and am just trying to focus on excitement about the baby and not regret what will be a very passed-over birthday, I'm sure.
Anyway, I hope you can go out for a really lovely dinner or something with Paul to mark the day. XOXOXO
Maggie Mason
January 14, 2010
I'm so sorry sweetie, that sucks.
Fowler family
January 14, 2010
Hi Jordan, thinking about you during this time. Happy Birthday! Love the prego belly/mumus idea.
I'm excited to hear about your little one's imminent arrival. We're praying for you guys. Don't feel bad about taking it easy these last few days before he comes. That's totally deserved!!!
Searched And Found
January 14, 2010
I'm really sorry about your party! It's always a bummer when those are cancelled because they hold so much hope and anticipation of good times and great memories. But your baby is almost here and that's something even BETTER to look forward to!!
January 14, 2010
it would have been a great sight to see all your guests dressed up in pregnant suits..
hope you still have a great birthday..
January 14, 2010
Oh my goodness everyone in pregnant suits would be amazing. Happy birthday!
January 14, 2010
I'm a near-Christmas baby, and I currently work in an academic setting far from "home", so that means everyone we're friends with is away over break. So birthdays always become an intimate dinner with me + DH. I hope you have a happy one, even if it's filled with quiet reflection vs. crazy party times! 🙂
January 14, 2010
January 14, 2010
Thank you so much for the link Jordan. We strongly support the organization in my family and were happy to donate as well.
Keep your chin up on the pregnancy. I think you should have a party after baby and still make everyone wear the pregnant bellies…except you. 😉
January 14, 2010
That would have been especially awesome to see all the dudes in those things. I think they should be required to don them all 9 months we do. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be great fun.
January 14, 2010
Happy Early Birthday, Jordan! I am sure whatever you "throw" together will be fabulous.
January 15, 2010
I can totally commiserate! I was due one week before my 30th birthday and when I realized that I couldn't plan on a party, I was so sad! Finally, the baby came early but even then, I was too tired and looking so rough (you know how after the birth, you spend a few weeks looking both deflated and puffy? Not my favorite party look…) that I wasn't really tempted to organize something last minute. The year after, I invited everyone to come celebrate my 30th birthday, since we still hadn't done it. It worked out because everyone thinks I am a year younger than I actually am 🙂
January 15, 2010
happy, happy birthday friend! The 30's are fantastic!
and yes, you definitely need a fun small party!
simply seleta
January 15, 2010
First of all, that's a beautiful picture of you. It needs to be posted on your main blog page!!!
Secondly, I was six months pregnant (with baby number two out of four) when I turned 30. And I remember feeling the SAME way you do now! I was actually kind of blue and felt so…matronly or something. Don't know how to describe it. I do remember thinking, "well, this is a weird way to start my 30's." Couldn't even toast a glass of champagne with a sassy black dress on! And heels hurt my feet.
But I will tell you that my 30's have been so much fun!!! Full of new self discovery and a fresh look on life. I just know this will be a wonderful decade for you.
Joanna Goddard
January 15, 2010
happy birthday, jordan! xoxo maybe you can have a belated party after the baby 🙂
Whitney @ Whisker Graphics
January 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Jordan!
You can have a post birth party and make all your guests get up every three hours each night for a week before the party. 🙂
Bryan and Sarah
January 15, 2010
It does stink to not be able to have a 30th birthday party, especially when you love them so much! Hopefully you'll still be able to have a small but fun party!
January 15, 2010
My 30th is on Sunday as well! Was going to have a big Golden Globes party – complete with costumes and prizes galore – but have been sideswiped by a mid-season cold and am bummed. May have to do a 30.5 in July, like someone else commented!
The mad woman behind the blog
January 15, 2010
Happy Birthday. And go ahead and pout, this is the perfect time to do just that.
Good luck wiht the delivery and the baby!
January 15, 2010
awww, you're allowed to pout – somehow it's never a birthday if you don't!!
it will be well worth it when your beautiful bub shows up!! 🙂
January 16, 2010
I just came across your blog. I think its so great and creative! I just wanted to say that I love it! very inspirational….thanks!
January 17, 2010
happy 30th!
Melissa Blake
January 17, 2010
Happy Birthday!! Looks like you'll be celebrating two birthdays soon!
January 17, 2010
Happy Birthday! Thirty is fabulous! It truly it!
Melissa Y. Allam
January 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Jordan! Thirty is not so bad.
January 17, 2010
Happy Happy Birthday!
RookieMom Heather
January 21, 2010
Totally cute way to celebrate a pregnant birthday.
rock my world
February 1, 2010
this is the most adorable portrait I've ever seen. if i had a portrait of this like me, i'd hand it out like business cards. SO cute.