I’ve been working hard to decorate my house the last month or so. The living room is almost done and I am so happy with how its been coming together. I’m just working on the finishing details of the living room which includes hanging art. It is so difficult to choose art for your home when you are on a budget, you have to either make it yourself, use a poster, or find something affordable on etsy. Another option I’ve been into lately is botanical prints. I loved the image below from Country Living. I have a bunch of black and white photography prints I picked up at the flea market (four for under $70) by Karl Blossfeldt. I’m hanging them today and I hope it works out.

January 6, 2010
i adore vintage botanical prints. i recently bought this calender from anthropoligie and am creating a wall of 6-8 frames with these images in my dining area.
do post pics once it's complete, i'd love to see!
Joanna Goddard
January 6, 2010
oooh how pretty! good luck!! xo
Sara Bradshaw
January 6, 2010
Would love these in my, hopefully, new kitchen this year. Also check out my 25 Best Blogs of 2009 list at: http://www.cricketwife.com/2010/01/25-best-blogs-of-2009-part-1.html
January 6, 2010
oh yes, love the botanical prints! I also just love frame walls in general. Good luck with the rest of the redecorating 🙂
January 6, 2010
I am in love with these botanical prints. OH SO CUTE! Thanks for sharing!
January 7, 2010
Art to hang on a budget. Sigh. My favorite mehtod is to browse istockphoto.com for illustrations I like. When I find something, I can change the colors to match my room in Illustrator, then print at any size (hooray for vector art!). Photo printing, even poster size, is very inexpensive at Sam's Club. When all is said and done, I get just what I want at an affordable price and don't have to spend TOO much time creating it. Other than the wasted hours browsing istock, of course!
Claire Marie
January 7, 2010
Aw I've just stumbled across your blog and I love it, you have such a beautiful blog! 🙂 Those botanical prints are just too cute!
Claire Marie x
Melissa Blake
January 7, 2010
So gorgeous!!!
Talia Bigelow
January 7, 2010
I hope we get to see said livingroom! I love the use of botanical prints – my new living room may get some, and perhaps some bird prints to accent the red couch…
Jane Flanagan
January 7, 2010
I love prints like this too! There's a great seller I use on eBay. http://myworld.ebay.com/martin2001/
I like finding old etchings of places I've been. It's like a travel photo album in extreme flashback!
January 7, 2010
Oh, and you forgot to mention the other difficult thing about finding great art for your home: your husband is a fabulous artist and just about everything else pales in comparison! My uncle is a sculptor and is incredibly picky about what gets displayed in their home, so not just anything will do. Good luck!
January 7, 2010
I love this look! Hope to see photos when you're done hanging yours! XO.