Even if you don’t have years of calligraphy training, learning to write with a calligraphers pointed pen can give regular handwriting a look that you just can’t get with a pen. It comes from the ability of the pen to go from hairline thin to thick just by the pressure you put on the nib. If you can’t afford a calligrapher it’s worth it to invest in these very cheap tools (it comes out to around $10) to have on hand so even normal handwriting has a special look. Plus you can get the most gorgeous ink colors! I give some basic pointers on this Project Wedding tutorial.

December 3, 2009
This is the post I've been waiting for! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Rachel Dangerfield
December 3, 2009
Wonderful! I'm so excited to try this out. Thank you so much for giving advice!
Sarah Bradley
December 3, 2009
This totally has me inspired to pick up my pens again!
December 3, 2009
Love this.
Jane Flanagan
December 3, 2009
Awesome! Thanks Jordan!!
December 4, 2009
eek! i am so excited. I was about to address my Christmas cards and wanted to try my hands at this, perfect and thank you.
December 4, 2009
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
December 4, 2009
Great tips…I tried a marker calligrapher to attempt the great look at Neither Snow. It was too big, even the smaller side. I think an calligraphy pen is the answer. Thanks!
Christine - Handmade Evolution
December 5, 2009
I am inspired! My handwriting, or hand'printing' as the case may be, has never been that great. Perhaps with this I'll finally be able to write beautifully!
cassandra @ coco+kelley
December 7, 2009
mmmm… i'm dying to learn calligraphy. it makes everything better.
July 17, 2010
Absolutely useful post! 🙂 thanks! 🙂