I was at Target yesterday and I loved all their bedding options. I can’t vouch for these particular sheets but I will say that we have a set we got from Target that are even softer and better than our really expensive set. (Buy these here, here, here, and here.)

November 10, 2009
We have those first stripey ones and I have to agree – they are SUPER soft.
November 10, 2009
We have the striped ones, too! We actually have three sets of them. We bought them for our bed and liked them (and the prices) so much, we bought extras for guests.
November 10, 2009
No way! We just bought the striped sheets (bottom pic) and LOVE them. We searche for years (literally) for a sheet set we liked, and finally found those. They are so beautiful. They're kind of noisy…if that makes sense. Comfy to sleep on though!
Jeremy and Kathleen
November 10, 2009
I have the first set and I love them – I'm about to buy a second set before they are discontinued.
the darling house
November 11, 2009
I completely agree. I adore the plain white ruffle Shabby Chic ones I bought years ago. And they only get better after multiple washings. So soft!
November 11, 2009
We have the brown stripe from Dwell at the top too. Love them! They're affordable and wash up softer and softer.
November 11, 2009
Totally agree! We have a Fieldcrest duvet cover from Target and it is so soft. We had a Pottery Barn duvet before that and got rid of it — too heavy!
November 11, 2009
I agree! Our king bed set is from Target & it is scrumptious, not to mention the print is delightful.
November 13, 2009
Love the 2nd set of sheets! Thanks for tip – sometimes I overlook Target for things like sheets…