We painted our tv stand this weekend, following Jenny’s instructions. It was surprisingly easy. We cleaned it (Moses had done some damage to it) and primed the top. Then sprayed it with several coats of the Rustoleum Safety Red spray paint. We also took Jenny’s advice and used the wipe-on poly finish to make it extra shiny. It is seriously tempting to take everything out in the back yard and paint it red. Hopefully the living room gets finished soon and I can share more pictures of the finished project.

November 23, 2009
oh, nice!
November 23, 2009
What a great TV stand – I really love how it turned out! It looks so good 🙂 I'm off to think of something I can paint red around here…
Thank you for the inspiration!
Jane Flanagan
November 23, 2009
Amazing transformation!
November 23, 2009
Ooh, Jordan, this is gorgeous! I love it in red.
November 23, 2009
That looks fantastic. I can imagine how good that red looks in person!
November 23, 2009
this is fantastic!!
Caroline, no.
November 23, 2009
That looks really nice. Spray paint does give a great finish. I've sprayed a metal bed successfully before in the back garden – I'm sure the neighbours thought I'd gone mad.
November 23, 2009
stewart and james
November 23, 2009
how fabulous!
liz stanley
November 23, 2009
it turned out awesome
Bryan and Sarah
November 23, 2009
I love the bright red!
annie w
November 23, 2009
Looks amazing! I was also inspired by her post (thanks for linking) and am painting a large buffet this weekend.
The Good Report
November 23, 2009
This is so gorgeous! and my favorite color.
November 23, 2009
Looks great – nice work!
November 23, 2009
wasn't that a great post? I love her blog. I painted my kitchen table a couple of weeks ago and I have a whole list of things I want to paint now–I was SO happy with how my table turned out!
November 23, 2009
Oh! I love it so much! It's amazing in RED!
Whitney @ Whisker Graphics
November 23, 2009
LOVE how the read brings out all the pretty details of your cabinet! Spray painting can be addicting. Such instant gratification (well, once you get your piece prepped).
destined to design
November 23, 2009
wow, what a transformation. kudos!
November 24, 2009
LOVE IT! This table was born to be red. I would advise against doing any more furniture red, just so that this one stands out more.
stewart and james
November 24, 2009
very cute and what a transformation a little color can do!!
Whatever Dee-Dee wants
November 24, 2009
That is seriously cute!
h o b u r g e r
November 24, 2009
that looks amazing! i feel inspired to paint some of my wood furniture red now…
November 24, 2009
Wow! Beautiful! Great job.
jen jafarzadeh
November 24, 2009
bravo! amazing makeover. spray painting is addictive except for the stinky fumes (the mask helps!).
November 24, 2009
Really adorable. I can't wait to see how it fits in the rest of the room.
November 28, 2009
This looks fantastic! Well done.
December 4, 2009
Hey, I went to Home Depot looking for the wipe-on poly and they didn't have any, at least none that would work on a painted surface. I'm painting a TON of my furniture. I'd love to try the wipe-on poly instead of the rust-oleum gloss spray that requires about 5 coats to make the furniture shine…
where did you get your wipe-on poly?
December 4, 2009
Wow, I'm so happy I found this post. I recently painted my wood Ikea tv stand and it worked out….sort of. I think I didn't let it cure long enough so the texture is matte and almost sticky months later. I'm going to follow these instructions next time!
December 6, 2009
This is GORGEOUS. I am in love with your TV stand-by chance remember where it is from? Thanks!
December 7, 2009
love it! ever since she posted that, i've been looking everywhere for the safety red, but haven't been able to find it!
…but maybe i should find my writing desk first? cart before the horse and all that?
December 9, 2009
That is gorgeous! We're trying to find things to paint red around the house now…should probably wait until winter breaks here:(
Todd, Rach & Audrey
January 2, 2010
Ever since I read this post I am obsessed with your tv stand and have been searching for something similar….any suggestions on where to find one?? Thanks for the inspiration!
solid wood tv stands
April 26, 2010
The new color definitely gives your TV stand the WOW factor. It has a bright oriental look now that would surely give your living room an interesting twist. I really love it.