These wooden blocks are by far my favorite toy I’ve ever bought Moses. Besides the fact that Moses LOVES them–they are really beautiful colors and are soft and nice to touch. The quality is excellent. Bonus: when they are spread all over the floor they are actually pretty to look at.

Adalgisa Campos
November 26, 2009
hi jordan!
i'm a regular reader of your blog, but had never left a comment…
i wondered if you could help me with some toy shop tips arround SF.
my mother is going there for the hollydays and she (and I!) would love to find some great toys for my 3 year old boy.
thank you already!
são paulo brasil
November 28, 2009
omg!! they look like candies 🙂
yummy 🙂
love it..
November 29, 2009
nice,nice and once more nice,thanks
November 30, 2009
jen jafarzadeh
November 30, 2009
I adore the entire Kid O collection! their toys are so simple and sweet.
December 1, 2009
do you think a one year old would play with those blocks? my first is 3 months so i don't know these things yet.