There are a couple spots left in my September 5th letterpress class in San Francisco. The class is for four hours and costs $125. During the class we print 250 of your own business cards. (More information right here.) Email me if you are interested. I will only be teaching a couple more classes through the fall before I take a break.

August 24, 2009
I would love to come to this. My due date is september 11…I live in Santa Cruz. I'm scared I'd go into labor in SF.
August 25, 2009
been there. done that! took jordan's letterpress class this past summer and left with handsome new calling cards. highly recommend the experience 🙂
August 25, 2009
i've thought about it. but i think the communte from nebraska is a bit too much. schucks-e-darn.
Kandis Design
August 25, 2009
Como sei que entende português, vou escrever em minha própria lingua.
Acho muito lindo o processo de Letterpress, mas não sei onde compro uma máquina dessas, procurei aqui no Brasil, mas não encontrei. Voce pode me dizer onde compra?
E voce da aulas online?
Aguardo resposta.
darling savage
August 25, 2009
ah, i wish i could take your class! portland is not too far, but a long way on bicycle.
August 26, 2009
I so wish I could come to this. I need business cards! I wish SF was a bit closer to London!