Last week my brother Jared and his wife Liz and their sweet Baby Hank moved to San Francisco. It is a dream come true to have family in the city. Yesterday Liz and I took Moses and Hank to Santa Cruz to go to the beach.

Last week my brother Jared and his wife Liz and their sweet Baby Hank moved to San Francisco. It is a dream come true to have family in the city. Yesterday Liz and I took Moses and Hank to Santa Cruz to go to the beach.
July 15, 2009
Lucky you!!
rachel thurston
July 15, 2009
your brother is jared?! I love liz and jared. friends from NY. small small world indeed.
mrs boo radley
July 15, 2009
How fortunate to have them so close to you!!
The beach looks beautiful–love those skies.
July 15, 2009
it looks like Hank is holding a big black barbie.
July 15, 2009
Gorgeous photo! Enjoy your family!
robin k
July 15, 2009
🙂 🙂 🙂
Jane Flanagan
July 15, 2009
So cute and lovely to have family close by! I seem to draft further and further away from mine (geographically speaking!)
July 15, 2009
I live in Santa Cruz and was also at the beach yesterday. Santa Cruz is a fun place. Lucky you to have family near by. All my family is in Brazil
Sarah S
July 15, 2009
Santa Cruz is one of my ALL TIME favorite places…
If you like ice cream, try maryann's … in SC…
made sweet
July 15, 2009
so cute. looks like it was a lovely day.
Joanna Goddard
July 16, 2009
moses is getting so much bigger! too cute 🙂
Paper Pastries
July 17, 2009
I just spent a week in santa cruz! Miss it already
July 20, 2009
Oh, I was just there. How lovely.