Lisa sent me a picture of her wedding invitations she designed using Stuck Labels! It makes me so happy seeing our little label company in use. Well done Lisa!

Lisa sent me a picture of her wedding invitations she designed using Stuck Labels! It makes me so happy seeing our little label company in use. Well done Lisa!
southern daze
April 24, 2009
Those are incredible!!
made sweet
April 24, 2009
they look so good!!
well done lisa!
April 24, 2009
Lisa! These look tops! Great use of the labels.
April 24, 2009
Love these. I was just admiring those labels in your shop the other day. Brilliant use of these.
April 27, 2009
What are the labels supposed to be used for?
April 27, 2009
Gorgeous! I should be stocking on some of these great labels myself!
April 27, 2009
Thanks all! and thanks Jordan for posting my invites and for the great labels!
April 27, 2009
they look wonderful!
jen jafarzadeh
May 3, 2009
these look fantastic!