Today is my friend Aubrey’s birthday. Yesterday Rebecca and I threw a party for her and it was one of my favorite parties I’ve ever thrown. First we told everyone to meet at Aubrey’s house and to wear grubby clothes. Then we handed everyone an envelope with their first clue for a treasure hunt. Lots of our friends have zip car memberships so as a surprise we had a fleet of mini cooper convertibles to race around the city in.
The first clue was a number to a bag check at different thrift stores in the mission.
When we handed in the number they gave us a bag with another clue that sent us to the secret slides.
At the slides we found cardboard (you use cardboard to go down the slides) with clues that sent us “fishing” at pier 7.
We found the clue dangling off the very end of the pier. That clue sent us to the Fortune Cookie Factory in China Town.
Inside each fortune cookie instead of the fortune was a clue to the Lyon Street Stairs and that clue sent us to our destination at Crissy Field.
At Crissy Field there was a table of cupcakes and snacks and then we surprised everyone and got out a bunch of holi colors I got at some local Indian supply stores. Then we had a GIANT color fight right there in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was really really fun.

April 6, 2009
What amazing friends you must be! This sounds like a lot of fun! and the clues…I wish I would do that
April 6, 2009
amazing party! and mini convertibles to get around in, too.
April 6, 2009
This sounds like so much fun!!
April 6, 2009
I am considering moving to SF just so I can meet you and become buddies and think up amazing parties….you need to bottle this creativity and sell it…for millions!
April 6, 2009
How did you make sure that a stranger didn’t steal one of your clues that was left out in the open?
I did a similar thing one year for my man and people stole things in the middle of the hunt and ruined the whole thing. It was a HUGE bummer.
April 6, 2009
truly brilliant.
& how fun!
April 6, 2009
Love those photos! What fun!
April 6, 2009
So much fun – I LOVE Holi! We used to celebrate it at my college every year.
April 6, 2009
This sounds like the best party ever! Amazing!
Nicole Marie
April 6, 2009
you have the best parties/celebrations/ideas EVER!! so so so fun!!
xoxo, C
April 6, 2009
I miss that City and I love those slides in Golden Gate Park.
April 6, 2009
are those slides in noe? does the holi colors come off easy? i thought they were permanent…just curious..
April 6, 2009
oh! seriously, you know how to throw a party. this looks like so much fun.
i miss san francisco.
April 6, 2009
I love those slides! Many a happy road rash has been earned there.
April 6, 2009
holy…!?!! I’m speechless! What an awesome birthday surprise. I’ve never heard of a color fight, but now I’m totally on a mission to work one into my life this year. Thanks!
Rachel Ure
April 6, 2009
wow. seriously too cool!!!!
April 6, 2009
This is the best party ever, lady – holi color fight was completely inspired.
The pictures of your friends with the pigments on them are lovely – like living paintings.
April 6, 2009
fantastic. i am in awe of this amazing party, it looks like you guys had a blast. love the color fight, it reminds me of a fave childhood short, ‘rainbow war’. it’s super, check it out if you have time!
April 6, 2009
Love the mini-coopers!
April 6, 2009
Incredible! Love the photos after the color war. They are beautiful!
duet letterpress
April 6, 2009
wow. fabulous, again. i’m pretty sure this is what you should do for a living. plan parties. [or maybe you do??]
April 6, 2009
so! amazingly! fantastic!
i am going to have a treasure hunt for my birthday too…i’m using the fellow who does the chinese new year one.
April 6, 2009
Umm, can I be your best friend so you can throw me an awesome 30th birthday party (coming up this August). I absolutely love your ideas…so clever and thoughtful!
April 6, 2009
Just awesome. The cars, clues, colors… Aubrey will never forget it. And I love the photo of you and Paul on the slides – you look like little kids.
April 6, 2009
amazing. I think you’ve just inspired me to take my kids on a day in the ciy. (We used to live so close and now that we’re N of Sac I miss it!)
April 6, 2009
That looks like so much fun! Especially the color fight part.
But I think those are the Lyon St. stairs, not the Hyde St. stairs.
April 6, 2009
My hair may never recover – my blonde bits are still greenish blue. This party was so much fun.
Heather Carson
April 6, 2009
You are amazing! You need to write a book with all your amazing party ideas!
April 6, 2009
superb! i love interactive parties. very very clever!
April 6, 2009
That looked AWESOME! Makes me want to throw a party for no reason at all
darling savage
April 6, 2009
so fun! i’ve got to find a store in portland that has those holi colors. what a great idea!
m l e
April 6, 2009
seriously so fun, I’m so happy I was included!
littlestreetfighter's Mom
April 6, 2009
O.K. ~ you are amazing!!! what an inspiration. how do you find the time?! with a little baby?
You are my favorite blogger for sure!!!
littlestreetfighter's Mom
April 6, 2009
O.K. ~ you are amazing!!! what an inspiration. how do you find the time?! with a little baby?
You are my favorite blogger for sure!!!
April 6, 2009
this is FABULOUS. I love it! Also, did some research on this dry paint. I want it!
April 6, 2009
you are simply amazing…wow
April 6, 2009
I love the way you truly LIVE your life!
April 6, 2009
Looks like so much fun. Happy Birthday Aubrey!
April 6, 2009
Oh my. The 9th picture is THE BEST.
April 6, 2009
you are the coolest chick ever. i adore your parties!
April 6, 2009
happy bday aubrey!
(i think that slide picture is the first time i’ve ever seen paul with any animation on his face.)
April 6, 2009
BEST. PARTY. EVER! Great idea! I’m stealing this immediately.
Kate@ Kids and Cocktails
April 6, 2009
Why are you so much cooler than I am? Darn you! 🙂
micah and nic
April 6, 2009
happy birthday Aubs
April 6, 2009
That’s brilliant. You are the coolest bunch of people ever…
Bryan and Sarah
April 6, 2009
This looks like it was so fun. I’m definitely hiring you for future parties (if you’re available)!
April 6, 2009
Best. Party. Ever.
I wish that kind of thing were appropriate for a wedding, but something tells me my mother (and his) would have a heart attack.
Scooter Couple
April 6, 2009
How awesome it must be to be your friend.
800 degrees of awesome.
April 6, 2009
Jordan,you don’t know me but you inspire me everyday! Thank you! Your party is my birthday dream, colour fight….fantastic.
April 6, 2009
Kristy, who liked the idea for a wedding. Could you imagine a colour fight trash the dress experience. Brilliant!!! If I wasn’t already married I absolutely would!