Been working so much this morning that I’m finally getting around to posting. I’ve been thinking about a better way to store Moses’ toys and then I remembered bookmarking this idea by fine little day via Cookie. An old wooden chest painted gold! Anybody else have good toy storage ideas?

March 23, 2009
Can you slide a shallow basket under his crib or is that space already occupied?
March 23, 2009
IKEA has some great options. There is a hinged basket that would great as well as the TROFAST system (which I love). I would also think a couple of wine-type crates would work great. Or maybe a trunk. We have one in our living room that we use as a coffee table. It works great because it doubles as storage. I’m planning on using it in my son’s room when we move.
March 23, 2009
I just inherited several old suitcases that slide nicely under my son’s bed. They are perfect for dress-up clothes, off season linens, and toys I want to hide for a while so they feel new again in a few months!
March 23, 2009
I think that’s a great idea. My parents stored my toys in a similar wicker trunk. They still have it and it makes me so happy when I see it in their home. Plus, it’s multi functional! Imagine Moses taking it to college one day…
March 23, 2009
here's some of my favs:
let us know what you decide 🙂
March 23, 2009
This Martha idea is cute:
I’d paint it a bright color, though.
March 23, 2009
My father in law just bought a trunk for us. Now I have a crafting idea of what to do with it! Thanks 🙂
baby r.t. and house too
March 23, 2009
I am thinking about the ikat option of this storage cube for our living room toy storage:
March 23, 2009
I, too, was going to suggest the TROFAST system from Ikea. Smaller storage spaces for like-toys are much better for organization and being able to find things again than one big chest or bin.
March 23, 2009
We have a similar version to the ikea trofast system, from toys r us (australia), which is working really well. I agree, smaller tubs just for cars, blocks, etc, are easier to keep track of than in one big box. We have a seperate big tub that’s just for soft toys
March 23, 2009
The trunk is so attractive, but will just become a bottomless pit and he won’t play with anything in it – put his toys in an assorment of shallow baskets and bins that he see what he has. Add more as he gets older. Later as he gets much older each one can become designated for different groups of toys – the “car” bucket, the “superhero” basket… and he will know right where to go when he is looking for a certain toy. Also cleaning up becomes more fun when it is putting things away in their own place. (mom of 3 little boys!)
March 24, 2009
The bookshelves at West Elm with (in 3, 6 or 9 cubbies) wicker baskets are great for this since you can categorize/sort the toys instead of just having them in one large space — saves time when trying to find their favorite toy while they are in tears!
March 24, 2009
I too prefer smaller, shallower containers so children can see what they have. Except for magical dress-up clothes. Magical dress-up clothes cry OUT for a big gold trunk.
March 24, 2009
One Step Ahead has these awesome canvas toy storage chests which you can personalize with a name if you wish. They are cute and functional and they can double as a seat for your little one.
March 24, 2009
I’m currently in the midst of figuring out a toy system for my two boys as we prepare (nesting) for a 3rd child entering out fam. So the comments in this post are super helpful for me! Reading these have helped me realize I need a place for the bulky toys (chest) in addition to smaller parts (bucket system). I tried wicker baskets and they are all falling apart as the boys move them in and out of their current cubby system. So I am all about finding attractive containers that will hold up (ikea has nice white plastic ones, walmart has a nice canvas blue ones, and target has a nice red or blue plastic series).
March 24, 2009
We just got the underbed canvas storage containers from Land of Nod that are on clearance right now, and they are great. They are just paper and canvas, so no off gassing or anything toxic (which I would be worried about with gold paint). Sugarboot loves to slide them out from under her bed and get stuff out of them and play in them herself. They are huge and hold a lot, but are shallow enough that it is easy to use everything. For puzzles and other toys, I have natural rectangular baskets with a foldover lid that closes with velcro that I got from Lillian Vernon a long time ago, and they are great because they hold a lot and fit on open shelving.
March 24, 2009
I use a pretty banana leaf basket I got at Target. I think I may eventually get a pair of bigger baskets like Pottery Barn sells. They match our decor and keep his stuff tidy. Have fun picking something out!
March 26, 2009
We are short on space so we had to get creative. we use colorful hanging shoe racks for toys (and also for my own fabrics). Also we use book shelves with different size shelves turned on their sides, with canvas colored baskets that slide up to the top of each opening so they are hidden. Good luck.
March 28, 2009
I have designed and constructed a line of soft felt toy boxes and toy storage for little and big kids alike.
The line is called WOOLI. They’re easy to open and close, look great, are well constructed and are made from natural wool.I made them for my daughter who loves them. Some are simple and gray with stitched graphics, others look like mountains or forests.
Have a look!
March 29, 2009
i see miffy! wheeeeee