I usually don’t post stuff like this but Moses is walking and I thought this was really cute. Sorry for this indulgence. Having kids is awesome.

I usually don’t post stuff like this but Moses is walking and I thought this was really cute. Sorry for this indulgence. Having kids is awesome.
Jane Flanagan
February 9, 2009
That’s classic!
February 9, 2009
So cute. I love homemade videos set to music.
February 9, 2009
this is adorable!- i’m so glad you indulged.
February 9, 2009
so adorable. i especially like at the end when he lays down on the floor like all this walking has him tuckered out.
February 9, 2009
What a sweet video and a darling baby. Thanks for sharing.
February 9, 2009
so cute! love the leg warmers.
February 9, 2009
Too cute – I love the part where he just lays down and takes a little rest.
February 9, 2009
so cute. videos like these make my ovaries swell. and then i have to tell them “no! it’s not your time yet!”
February 9, 2009
What a treasure! You really do have one of the cutest babies on earth. Everything about that movie made me smile. Thank you for sharing it.
February 9, 2009
Thanks for sharing, he’s extra super double cute.
Making it Lovely
February 9, 2009
So sweet! The little part where he had to lay down is just about the cutest thing ever. 🙂
Bryan and Sarah
February 9, 2009
Congratulations on Moses walking! It’s exciting!
February 9, 2009
Oh how cute is that! Congratulations!
It' an Evolution
February 9, 2009
Kids are the best part of life..enjoy every moment of the fun!
February 9, 2009
this is one of the cutest videos ever..I love the wallpaper too 🙂
February 9, 2009
How could you NOT share that with the world? Little videos like that make *everyone* smile! My son is almost ready to stand by himself, so it’s fun to see what’s just around the corner for us! Thanks for sharing your little bit of gooey, heart-warming, baby goodness!
February 9, 2009
He is so darling. He looks so much like your husband. Seeing that lets me know that we’re doing the right thing trying for another one, even though our daughter is already almost 5! Thank you.
BTW, great leg warmers! 😉 Or whatever they call them for babies…I adore them!
February 9, 2009
having kids IS awesome. way to go, moses.
February 9, 2009
This is such a cute video. How times flies now your son is walking!
February 9, 2009
So Cute… we are waiting for our little one to start walking!! Where did you find the little push toy??
February 9, 2009
The walker is from Ikea.
February 9, 2009
How fantastic! Thanks for sharing. My monkey is 3 today.
February 9, 2009
Sweet little guy. 🙂 He was born around the same time as our daughter (I remember your first posts about him then). This is such a fun age, isn’t it? I just have to laugh at the little knee-high character toddling around me all day. Thanks for letting us enjoy with you!
February 9, 2009
Wonderful! Keep up the good work, Moses.
February 9, 2009
Awww…glad you put this up. Totally made me laugh.
robin k
February 9, 2009
What a sweet boy!
February 9, 2009
oh this is too cute! You go Moses! What a brave little guy.
February 9, 2009
That was adorable. And the music with the video was perfect!
February 9, 2009
February 9, 2009
Your blog just about finished me today – between that prom photo and this utter adorableness, I am speechless.
February 9, 2009
so cute!
Joseph and Brittany
February 9, 2009
So Cute. I can’t wait for my little guy who is a couple months younger then Moses I think to start walking. We have been looking for a good walker for him. Do you mind letting me know where you got that one?
Joseph and Brittany
February 9, 2009
Never mind. I guess I should have taken the time to look a little harder at your comments, but you do what you have to when naps are short. HAHA
liz stanley
February 9, 2009
i’ve watched that video like five times now. love that moses supposes
{april kennedy}
February 9, 2009
Indulge all you want! That was awesome.
February 9, 2009
I miss your personal posts – how about you start a "personal" blog & be your funny self.
Lauren Knoop
February 9, 2009
Too cute. He seems so determined to do it!
erika @ urban grace
February 9, 2009
i absolutely love it! share all you want! go moses!!!!
February 9, 2009
this made my day!
February 9, 2009
That’s absolutely precious. Thanks for sharing the joy. 🙂
February 9, 2009
I am so glad you posted the video. Moses is precious. It reminds me of my oldest son. Children are just amazing. Thanks for sharing!
Sara Brown
February 9, 2009
thank you for that indulgence. that just made my night.
February 9, 2009
Oh my gosh, that is adorable.
February 9, 2009
I love Moses!
February 10, 2009
I love this video…he’s so cute
February 10, 2009
So precious
February 10, 2009
ugh, I just died in cuteness land!
February 10, 2009
This is wonderful. I love the music.
February 10, 2009
Adorable! Such a cute little clip! Love the little tune along with it!
February 10, 2009
Ack! So adorable. Tugs at me/whispers in my ear ‘have another baby’.