If you aren’t familiar with this book you should buy yourself a copy immediately. I usually have a few around to give as gifts. {At $5 it is the perfect price point for a small but thoughtful gesture.} The book is very silly and has darling drawings. I gave this to Paul on our first Valentines Day together.

amy turn sharp of doobleh-vay
February 6, 2009
This was my reading for our friends wedding a couple years ago- we all wept. Love it so so so so much! xo
February 6, 2009
This is such a fun book!
February 6, 2009
I love this book. Great gift idea. A few years ago I was given a box of my childhood favorites: best.gift.ever.
Amy: what a great idea! I love that story.
February 6, 2009
I have it too! It’s adorable
February 6, 2009
I absolutely love this book. Thanks for the reminder to dig it out and read it to my loved ones this Love Day 🙂
Cali Girl
February 6, 2009
love this book. we have it. i bought it for my husband (then bf) when we were dating…. <3
February 6, 2009
what a great idea! thank you sooo much cos i have actually never heard of this one. it’s lovely!!!
mary elizabeth
February 6, 2009
this book is so sweet, silly, + special. i’ve loved it for many years now — and yes, i gave it to my husband when we were dating too! 😀
everyone should own a copy (or two, or three…) it is just that fantastic!
February 7, 2009
I absolutely LOVE this book! I had it in my jewelry box, and we were ROBBED, and the horrible bad guys left it behind…little did they know how excellent it is! (but I digress!) I adore your blog by the way…so pretty!
February 9, 2009
Looks really nice 🙂
February 9, 2009
We used it for our wedding reading too! IT was a hit and means so much to us. BTW, Aubrey rocks!
katy elliott
February 10, 2009
I gave this book to my boyfriend in 2004. We just found it the other day. I wrote a note inside which makes it even sweeter.
March 14, 2009
I have had this book for quite awhile. I love it too! Just found your blog today. Very neat!!