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Working on the List

I’m still working on my resolutions and fine tuning the final list but here are some of the ones I’m considering.

1. Run the Napa Valley Marathon in March
(The one I was going to do last fall didn’t happen)
2. Hang out with someone new every week.
(I like the idea of being exposed to lots of different new people.)
3. Go to the park with Moses every day. (or something equivalent.)
4. Look put-together every day.
5. Keep track of every penny I spend this year.
6. Grocery Shop, Clean the house and do laundry on the same day every week.
7. Plan meals for the week more consistently
8. Take Sailing Lessons
9. Go to Brazil
10. Don’t buy anything for six months.
(Be less wasteful and don’t consume as much.)

Last year I had a large list and accomplished about half. It was a very good year. What are your New Years Resolutions/ Goals?

{photo by Cig Harvey}

  1. misadventuresofkellyandkelly

    December 29, 2008

    I’m posting mine on new year’s day but I love the idea of doing laundry, cleaning, and grocery shopping on the same day. May borrow that one. I love to make these to help me keep on track throughout the year.

  2. Jonathan, Bethany & Carter

    December 29, 2008

    I love your list so far! We have been keeping track our money with the Dave Ramsey plan and it is really working!! Our church did his Financial Peace plan…it’s really great!

    I am striving to take my 20 month old to the museums, zoo’s, and parks this year – at least one every few weeks. I am also going to attempt to potty train him…uh oh πŸ™‚

  3. Jonathan, Bethany & Carter

    December 29, 2008

    I love your list so far! We have been keeping track our money with the Dave Ramsey plan and it is really working!! Our church did his Financial Peace plan…it’s really great!

    I am striving to take my 20 month old to the museums, zoo’s, and parks this year – at least one every few weeks. I am also going to attempt to potty train him…uh oh πŸ™‚

  4. logan

    December 29, 2008

    SFSU offers a sailing course…might be a cheaper alternative to lessons!

  5. april kennedy

    December 29, 2008

    I’d be happy to help you with New Years Resolution #2! I live in Napa and am friends with Amy Downer Scott! Just so you know I’m not a freaky stalker!

  6. Katie @

    December 29, 2008

    What a great list! I really like the idea of six months without buying anything. It’s something I want to try, too. We just moved to Berlin, Germany (and started blogging about it!), so while we’re still trying to set up our home, I don’t know if I can do it just yet.
    The chores all on one idea sound like a really great way to knock the projects out of the way.

  7. DΓ©

    December 29, 2008

    Jordan, you made me want to do a list as well!
    I live in Brazil and I can send you some tips of places that you canΒ΄t loose!

  8. Jessica

    December 29, 2008

    I’m still working on my list, but right now I’m thinking of-

    Read 15 books
    Improve my wardrobe
    Set up an efficient household (when we move into our new house)
    Try yoga and tai chi

    I accomplished about half of mine from last year too, so I want to keep up with those resolutions also.

  9. Cali Girl

    December 29, 2008

    great list. im going to start working on mine tonight!

  10. Jane Flanagan

    December 29, 2008

    I just made mine. I found blogging it last year made me keep my resolutions! I love all of yours and am already impressed because I know you’ll keep most – or all – of them!

  11. Jessamyn Harris

    December 29, 2008

    wow! #2 is such a cool idea… very inspiring.
    in addition, I love the idea of going to the park every day (though I have no kids or dogs, I’d love to do something equivalent on my own!), plus the idea of shopping, etc., on the same day every week…
    very cool over all, and great image.

  12. ellen

    December 29, 2008

    One of my goals is to USE WHAT I HAVE (clothes, fabric, notecards, books, etc.). Thanks for sharing your list; it’s inspiring!

  13. Whitney

    December 29, 2008

    My main resolution this year is to take two short get-aways a week:

    1, to plan meals, calendar, to-dos, etc.

    2, to write for a good chunk of time away from my wireless and distracting (but so cute!) baby

    They won’t be for long, but my husband is going to help me. I’m so excited

  14. Mishka

    December 29, 2008

    You have such a great, ambitious list! I usually just pick something easy so it’s not a challenge! πŸ™‚

  15. Anonymous

    December 29, 2008

    OoOoO am I the only one who doesn’t make one? I don’t believe in them, sorry!

  16. Britt

    December 30, 2008

    To track every penny, use

    it’s amazing and it tracks every penny spent FOR YOU. So all you have to do is go in and change categories if it gets something wrong. For example, it thought my student loan company was a clothing store, so I changed it to student loan.

    it breaks down the percentage of how you spend your money, how to save more, and gives you tons of visual trends on your spending habits.

    it was voted best personal finance website of 2008 and i’m in no way affiliated with it, i just think it’s amazing.

  17. rebekka

    December 30, 2008

    1. Be way better at birthdays. Buy a fab birthday calendar and tape gift ideas to the back of each month throughout the year, when inspiration hits.

    2. Write each of the people that are very important to me a handwritten letter. This will take all year, but I think they should all know, and have in writing, how much I love them.

  18. Sara

    December 30, 2008

    Wow, I am impressed with even the IDEA of not buying anything for 6 months!

    My main resolution is to become a morning person. It’s going to be hard for me, but I am excited about the newly found hours in my day.

  19. Julee

    December 30, 2008

    thanks for giving me some inspiration…your joy is infectious… πŸ™‚

  20. Camnista

    December 30, 2008

    i think its a great idea to make an entire list of resolutions instead of having just one to work on, it allows you to feel successful even if you don’t accomplish just one, because at least will achieve some. now i will start my list….


  21. Miranda

    December 30, 2008

    I love your resolution lists. I will say, #10 looks like quite a lofty goal! I’ll be posting my list on my blog soon!

  22. suzanne cabrera

    December 30, 2008

    Love the resolution to not buy anything for six months. I was just listening to a segment with a financial advisor on NPR who was speaking about the impact of cutting out extras from your budget for a single month.

    I might have to try this at least for…uh….six days. Best wishes for a happy new year.

  23. The Woman Behind the Words

    December 30, 2008

    I do number 6 & 7 and it works out so well – I don't have the laundry worries that my friends complain about (piles that they can't tackle) and I don't have to worry about those things all week. It really works!

  24. icci design...

    December 30, 2008

    my goal is not buy anything new…make what i need or thrift…but ikea is opening here in feb. so i might make a few exceptions to the rule..good luck with yours.

  25. jordan

    December 31, 2008

    I’ll probably start the don’t spend thing in a few months. πŸ™‚

    I’m not a crazy spender anyway–I just like the idea of stopping the consuming.

  26. Corner68

    January 5, 2009

    great list! sounds reasonable except no. 8 [for me, of course] πŸ™‚
    I’m still working on mine.

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