My package of sale swimsuits arrived last week. If you are going on any tropical vacations this winter don’t miss this sale. It’s slim pickins for the most part. You have to be flexible on the colors and be willing to mix and match but the good news is they are marked way down.

elle @ pret-a-party
October 20, 2008
i’d spot those as j.crew from a mile away. good finds 🙂
October 20, 2008
Oooo…my package arrived today. I went a little crazy last week with their sale. Good stuff.
porter hovey
October 20, 2008
Ohhh! Totally adorable!!
Grosgrain Kathleen
October 21, 2008
Oh thanks for the tip. I’ve been loving their swimsuits since college. I always get the lovely pieces in my checkout bag….never all the way to completion….but once….I will go check it out!
Racing Swim wear
October 26, 2008
These are really great finds! Perfect for the swimming season. Thanks for sharing 🙂