I had heard that UK clothing company, Topshop was going to open this fall in NY but I just saw on Abby’s blog that their US website launched today. Hoo-rah. {Don’t forget to check out the Maternity section and the baby section.}

I had heard that UK clothing company, Topshop was going to open this fall in NY but I just saw on Abby’s blog that their US website launched today. Hoo-rah. {Don’t forget to check out the Maternity section and the baby section.}
100 Percent Cottam
September 9, 2008
girl, you just made my day! 🙂
September 9, 2008
Why check out the maternity section? Hmmm?
September 9, 2008
oh, thanks for the heads up.
Jane Flanagan
September 10, 2008
Booo – they don’t ship to Canada 🙁
September 10, 2008
Oh, this will be SO bad for my bank account… how exciting!
September 10, 2008
I would TOTALLY wear both those looks! BOOYAH!
September 10, 2008
I dont know why it took all this time for it to open up in the States. We’ve had Topshop in Kuwait for almost 5 years now.
September 10, 2008
hey..check it out.. i just threw a party..think you should check it out..
don’t be surprised if you see some of your ideas!! i love you and your style.
September 10, 2008
Hooray! I am so excited! Thanks! Oh, and your blog is fabulous!
September 10, 2008
topshop has been shipping to the US since last year at least. They have great maternity jeans.
September 10, 2008
This is the best news ever! I live near Soho and walk by the soon-to-be Top Shop store everyday, hoping it will open in October, but an online shop is the next best thing! Thanks!
September 10, 2008
Truly a happy day!
Joanna Goddard
September 10, 2008
that outfit on the left is SOOOO cute!!
September 10, 2008
I remember shopping there in London years ago and it seemed so cheap – damn that exchange rate of ours!
Tonia Conger
September 10, 2008
not another temptation!
September 10, 2008
the baby stuff is so cute! i wonder if their little deer shirt is OK for boys….
September 11, 2008
I was a missionary in the UK about a decade ago and LOVED spending time and money at H&M and Topshop. Hurrah that they are both here now….
Emma in California
September 11, 2008
French are also coming !
Hie,i’m happy to have discovered your website form Tangled and true.
I’m Emma and arrived one year ago from Paris in California. I have launched my french boutique for kids… http://www.comptoirdenfance.com
My website offers a selection of wooden toys built to last, french books, accessories and a collection of wall decals and accessories.
From the retro bohemian style to the Parisian chic atmosphere, french designers for kids have found their place on Comptoir d’enfance.
My purpose ? To bring to you all the latest French products and trends for kids. To create a unique design, a magic world, to add fun and bring design style to children’s bedrooms. Enjoy ! Emma
Cupcakes and Cashmere
September 11, 2008
i just made my first purchase this morning! please check out my blog since i have a code for free shipping you should share with your readers! love your site, btw…would you like to trade links?
September 18, 2008
i walked by the unfinished store in SoHo last week and felt so sad that it wasn’t open yet. THIS is good to know though.
Shimmy Shake
September 19, 2008
That’s excting…now if only they would make it to Canada!