I was talking with my friend Michelle about ideas for her daughter’s upcoming first birthday party. I told her to be sure to check out the Cookie website for ideas, like this fairy party below. {Moses has the worst birth date ever–December 14th, I’m stumped what to do for his first.}

June 4, 2008
My daughters b-day is 12/18, what I have done every year, is an ornament theme party. When she was a baby, I gave everyone an ornament, on the back of it I wrote, Molly’s B-day, and the date. When she got older, and had more of a friend party we made ornaments. Now 9..almost 10 (yikes) her favorite part of putting up the christmas tree is looking at all her ornaments
June 4, 2008
When he’s older you can do LOTs girlfriend. Cookie decorating party, advent calendar making party, Christmas stocking (or dutch shoe) decorating party, Charity gift bringing for Jesus’ birthday party, Ornament making party…you get the drift.
For a one year what about having someone cut silhouettes (or stage a fake photo booth) since no one ever gets good Christmas card covers? Faux white winter? White balloons and snow cones? I know you’ll do something fun and creative. I was born Dec 27, my five year old girl the 30th and my one year old son the 7th. I always celebrate my daughter’s in January (family party in Dec) and she gets two celebrations but her friends are around for a good party post holidays.
June 4, 2008
Not sure if you want to steer away from christmas entirely but one of my friends has a bday on the 22nd and every year we would have a gingerbread house competition. It has turned into a big annual thing and there is a new theme every year. It is one of my favorite parties to go to during the holiday season!
m e l
June 4, 2008
December is crummy – my daughter’s birthday is December 21, and my husband’s is December 24. His mother always made sure it was his birthday until 8pm, then it could be Christmas eve. I’m still working on ways to make my daughters special. I love the ideas given!!
June 4, 2008
Oh, first birthdays! The possibilities are endless! December is a little icky weather wise (at least here in Indiana
)- but you have ornaments and snowflakes or just blue and silver colors, blue and purple colors…
June 4, 2008
My son’s birthday is December 11. We basically ignore the holiday season for this one day and celebrate him. I try to plan his parties several months in advance so I can stock up on adorable goodies, favors, decorations, ideas, etc. in advance. This makes for a better party and a relaxed host. Last year we did a “monkey” theme:
And this year we are doing a “Wild West” theme–perfect for guys and dolls.
June 4, 2008
My mom always had gingerbread house parties for my sister when she was young. They were always fun and a hit.
June 4, 2008
My daughter’s 1st birthday is Oct. 19. I thought about doing a “lil’ pumkin” party, and play up the autumn theme, but I am leaning toward doing a cupcake/sweets theme instead (ala Bakerella). It should work seasonally because sweets are a big part of Halloween, but be more about birthday than Halloween.
Likewise, you could do something like “Candyland” or “Toyland” as a theme, that would tie in with the Holiday season, but be more about birthday fun than Christmas.
June 4, 2008
Jordan if you decide to do the gingerbread thing, we have a cake mold you can borrow that Jared designed for William-Sonoma.
And I just finished browsing the Cookie parties – I’m shelving the paint party for when she gets older.
Our Green Nest
June 4, 2008
My little one will turn 1 on December 11th – so yeah, need to start thinking about what to do…don’t think I’ll do anything Christmas-y though – might steer away from that…Love your blog!
Mom in Mendon
June 4, 2008
The first year is for adults/family members with a nod toward the baby–which still makes for a happy celebration.
June 4, 2008
My son’s birthday is one day worse – 12/15! I’ve made it a point to make sure that it’s not Christmas related, because, well, it’s not! (My birthday is 12/4, so I guess I have issues.) You can see the monkey party we threw him last year here: http://marenmadsen.blogspot.com/2007/12/and-they-called-it-monkey-love.html
rebekah @ elizabeth anne designs
June 4, 2008
Celebrate his half birthday! I had a close friend with a Christmas birthday. To make him feel special and loved outside of the holidays, they celebrated on June 25th.
The Trendy Couple
June 4, 2008
Two ideas: Trim a tree party and for when he gets older celebrate his half birthday as his real day! Do the party and everything and then do something small when it is his real bday!
June 4, 2008
My nephew’s birthday is also in December. His first b-day was a Winter Wonderland. Everything was white and baby blue. Snowflake cookies and a snowflake cake. White feather boas used to create a winter fariy tale with glitter snowflakes hanging all around. They served pizza from a local pizza shop and set the pizza’s all over on diffrent level cake stands. Eveyone got cans of Serendipity Hot Chocolate with homeade marshmallows from William Sonoma as goodie bags.
June 4, 2008
My son just turned one last December 11th. We did a winter theme – decorated cookies, made mini foam Christmas trees, and made mini gingerbread houses. Mainly did all this for my daughter and the older kids that were invited. My son could have cared less.
I have been contemplating whether to celebrate his half birthday just because of all the possibilities and to space out all the gifts. Also would help me to space out all the birthdays in our house (DD is 10/14, DS is 12/11, and DH is 12/14).
One thought I had for this coming year was a ball party where everything was decorated in circles and lots of balls. Kids love balls and definitely can do indoors.
June 4, 2008
Wow, some great ideas for a December b’day party, but my daughter was born January 13th. It’s the rainest part of the year here in Northern California and I am totally stumped. Any ideas?
erin wilson
June 4, 2008
My bday is Dec 20 and let me tell you it is not fun! But my family has always gone above and beyond to make it special for me. I personally don’t like anything combined with Christmas and my bday. I don’t want ornaments or the “double gift”, etc. We always celebrate it like we celebrate the spring/summer/fall birthdays!
Everly Pleasant
June 5, 2008
Hey, hey,
On my blog (wwww.everlypleasant.blogspot.com)
under March you can see pictures of a fairy party we threw.
Anna Macfarlane
June 5, 2008
I’m a little late here responding, I know… but my daughter was born on Dec. 10. At first I was majorly bummed, thinking it wouldn’t be as special, but now I am trying to make my sons’ birthdays as special.
Every birthday I take her to see Santa! I even take her out of school early to see him and then out shopping and to dinner. It has been such a fun tradition so far, and I hope we’re still doing it when she is a Senior in High School!
(and then her party/cake is whatever her fancy at the time: princess, water, hearts, etc)
June 7, 2008
first of all, I love your blog…it is a visual wonderland. Second of all, my birthday is 5 days before Christmas and the best thing my mom did for me was make my birthday completely unrelated to Christmas. I always got separate gifts wrapped in birthday wrapping paper. I had barbie parties or princess parties or anything NON-Christmas. I appreciated that my birthday was compeltely separate from the holiday…in fact the fact that my mom made such an effort to not let my birthday be another Christmas celebration (when I knew she was super stressed with Christmas related everything) made it even more special to me. So there you go.
July 2, 2008
noo way but my birthday is dec. 14th!! how cool is that? i always hate it as a kid b/c i got “gyped” on the cool presents my friends always got at their parties b/c my friends’ parents were too broke to buy me a cool present b/c they were broke from christmas shopping! but it does make december a very cool month
August 9, 2008
december 14 does suck as a birthday – i’ve had mine on that date 26 times now! there isn’t really anything you can do to make it much better for him but to avoid making it any worse NEVER give him one Christmas/Birthday gift!
Mary Ann
November 1, 2008
My daughters birthday is 12/21. WE have done different things. I like celebrating the half birthday the best. It spaces out the gifts and gives her a chance to have an outside birthday. WE have also had Valentine Day Princess parties for her. She likes having a celebration on a completely different day. We still celebrate her birthday as a family and we celebrate her half birthday so she gets to celebrate twice.
Mary Ann
November 1, 2008
My daughters birthday is 12/21. WE have done different things. I like celebrating the half birthday the best. It spaces out the gifts and gives her a chance to have an outside birthday. WE have also had Valentine Day Princess parties for her. She likes having a celebration on a completely different day. We still celebrate her birthday as a family and we celebrate her half birthday so she gets to celebrate twice.