Some cities have snow days–a day where everything shuts down when it snows. Well San Francisco has sun days. On those rare REALLY hot San Francisco days, everyone drops plans–gets off work early and goes out to enjoy the sun. Saturday the weather was so beautiful we changed plans and went with some friends to Baker Beach. {I put one foot in the water–it is hypothermic.} Is there a better view than this?:

April 14, 2008
Oh how I wish I lived in San Fransisco. Beautiful.
April 14, 2008
Love Baker Beach for photo ops…I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this crowded. It must’ve been that rare 85 degree day! Lucky you…we experienced snow 🙂
April 14, 2008
Ok, see, you’re making it *really* hard to wait another year to move to SF! 🙂
April 14, 2008
jordan, it certainly was gorgeous on saturday … and sunday too! we went to the ferry building and ate lunch, and had a fabulous day!
Smiling Mama
April 14, 2008
In DC on perfect spring and summer days everyone heads down to the National Mall to hang out!
Melissa Jade
April 14, 2008
the idea that you can freely step onto a beach without expecting a hypodermic needle sticking into your foot is SO foreign to me here in NYC. We all have to wear water shoes to even consider walking around Coney Island!
April 14, 2008
The weather (and the views) in San Francisco are unbeatable. Jealous.
April 14, 2008
I was in SF visiting from DC and just left the day before the gorgeous day! Luckily, the weather wasn’t too terrible the days I was there either! I love SF!
April 16, 2008
was at crissy as usual on saturday. it was mental. don’t think i’ve ever seen so many people there on a regular day.