Here are the shower invitations I finished last week. The invitations had a solid pattern on one side of each of the cards. Then I put them in a cellophane wrapper with the pattern side facing outward and made some labels to wrap around the outside with the addresses. I had been wanting to mail something in a cellophane wrapper for a while now–I would have done a few things different but I’m pretty happy with how they turned out.

Jennifer Leal
April 23, 2008
So sweet and elegant…also, where can you get ‘cheap’ projector rentals?
April 23, 2008
those are super cute. nice work!
April 23, 2008
Fabulous Jordan! So do you just place the stamp on the cellophane then and drop in the mailbox?
April 23, 2008
I love the cellophane envelope and the label…it’s a unique touch.
April 23, 2008
They look so adorable!
Alyssa Coberly
April 23, 2008
as always, darling! i love those cellophane holders – i use them all the time …
April 23, 2008
Those are adorable!
April 23, 2008
Gorgeous and fun at the same time!
April 23, 2008
love the labels! do you have a template? also, did you purchase labels and then print, or one large sticky paper and then cut them out?
April 23, 2008
these turned out great!
April 23, 2008
Great ! What font are you using for the address name ?
April 23, 2008
those invites are too too cool.
what program did you lay them out in?
kari jo
April 23, 2008
Those are adorable! Ditto on the questions: What font? Did you cut out the labels or were they pre-cut? Is there a template for the labels?
April 23, 2008
Very pretty.
April 23, 2008
jennifer: I usually borrow a projector from someone who works at a school or someone who has one at work or else a church.
stephanie: yep, all they need is correct postage.
tara: I usually use label paper and cut them out with an exacto knife.
anonymous: the font is called “Feel”
April 24, 2008
These are lovely. Did you use a gocco or how are they printed?
elizabeth @ elizabeth anne designs
April 26, 2008
wow! i love the cellophane envelope and am going to have to use them for something soon!