I don’t know if these diapers really make a difference–but they are supposedly more biodegradable than regular disposable diapers {We use Seventh Generation for disposable because they are a pretty beige color and don’t have cartoons on them.} G diapers are a hybrid between cloth and disposable. We’ve been trying them the last few weeks and so far we like them. I’ve got to be honest–if they weren’t so cute I probably wouldn’t have tried them.

April 22, 2008
It made me laugh that you choose diapers by their color. 🙂
amy t sharp
April 22, 2008
we used them for the first few months. I liked them- swizzle stick and all 🙂
patrick & carly
April 22, 2008
I have been reading about those everywhere! I even asked your sister at design mom if she had used or heard about them. Glad to hear you liked.
patrick & carly
April 22, 2008
I have been reading about those everywhere! I even asked your sister at design mom if she had used or heard about them. Glad to hear you liked.
April 22, 2008
i loved them too until my kid started solids. they are more work than cloth because you still have to swish and soak the liners. i won’t even put them on my toddler until after her daily duke. trying to rip and flush the liner is too nasty. i’m thinking of using cloth inside the liners.
April 22, 2008
If they didn’t work their color wouldn’t be so cute. 🙂
April 22, 2008
I’ve been using these for 6 months, or since my baby was 1 week old. We love them. Even my daycare had no problem with using them on her. We toss the wet ones, because it takes a couple flushes to get down, and that seems like a waste of money. But we flush the poopy ones. Her room doesn’t smell, she’s NEVER had diaper rash, and she’s on solids, and still no issues. And we feel like we’re doing our part to help the environment.
April 22, 2008
If you like diapers that are cute, you really should take a look at cloth. The pocket diapers out there come in a rainbow of colors AND they’re so easy to use. Even my husband uses them with ease, and that’s saying something.
Two great styles to check out:
Jennifer Leal
April 22, 2008
Ok, now we need a photo (or multiple) of Moses in his G diapers.
April 22, 2008
Get the BumGenius! So much beter!
April 22, 2008
New moms, I hope you are all using Bisphenol A-free bottles! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/24023514#24023514
April 22, 2008
Glad to see someone is using them. I’ve seen them around the web but haven’t heard feedback. Not sure if I am up for it. How is it when you are out of the house?
April 22, 2008
Hi! We have used Gdiapers since our little one was born.Sometimes they are hard (he would leak or blow-out). But, we decided to stick with it. Our motto is “just because it’s not easy, doesn’t mean it’s not right for the earth”.
April 22, 2008
Please don’t take this the wrong way but wow, you choose your diapers by their color and design. How would that be? The majority of us buy what we can afford. The environmental movement is definitely not for the working class. Sorry spoil the party I just happen to see a lot of need around me everyday.
April 22, 2008
allow me, jordan.
anonymous. g-diapers really aren’t much more. the covers are a bit expensive but can be used for multiple eliminations. you just have to change the inside. diapers are so cheap at walmart but this is one of the few sacrifices i’m trying to make for a better environment.
plus, they are so cute you don’t have to spend money on pants.
April 22, 2008
Actually (K8theriver) they ARE more expensive since a refill pack costs about $15 and comes with 32 refills, and you can get 228 huggies for about $37..hmm the equivalent in g diapers is about $100. Also, we can all help the environment by recycling, using reusable bags, and turning off the water while we brush our teeth and that doesn’t require any extra purchases. Oh and by the way, I guess you can let a kid go pantless, unless of course you live somewhere where it gets cold. I did not mean to offend Jordan, really I didn’t, but If the only comments welcome are those that agree and celebrate everything you say, then I respectfully retract mine.
April 22, 2008
Thanks Katie, I feel like I’m at the CCR concert again.
anonymous-I’m not offended. Should I be offended that I choose my diapers by their prettiness instead of by price? We all choose to spend money on what we value–whatever our budget. For me it is important that there aren’t cartoon characters everywhere my baby looks. I spend extra on cool diapers but I also live in a small one bedroom apartment and my baby lives in a small closet off the front room. 🙂
April 22, 2008
No you shouldn’t be offended. You are awesome! Now maybe I could post using my name…lol
April 22, 2008
Actually I’ve read that the single best thing you can do for the environment is not use disposable diapers.
April 23, 2008
I have been trying G diapers, but they have been a little hit and miss…sometimes they work great and sometimes the lining gets bunched up and it leaks right through. (And a big miss the time I overflowed my in-laws toilet trying to flush the g-diaper…Oops!) I am also experimenting with cloth diapers. They are sooo much cuter than they used to be! (I also admit that aesthetics has played a role in my diapering). I really like the thirstes all-in-one for cuteness and function. I have been using my g diapers with prefolded cloth diaper inserts, and they haven’t leaked that way. I’m about 50/50 cloth to disposable ratio right now, and I know it is saving me some money.
April 23, 2008
btw, I should mention that I love your ideas and have linked to some of them on my blog.
April 23, 2008
Wouldn’t cloth diapers be the cheapest option of all, though? This is a complicated and very personal issue – we have to follow our own priorities until big industry makes it affordable for everyone. We’re going to be using gDiapers, but our jobs take us overseas a lot (scary carbon footprint!): unfortunately, everyone helps and hurts in their own way.
Tysha & Jacob
April 23, 2008
G Dipes are the best! Actually – about 75% of gdiaper users use cloth in them at least part time! I am having my first in June but have been a nanny for 11 years and after about 40 hours of research and lots of experimentation with different things my vote for #1 most environmentally friendly/ cost effective/ cute are the g’s with cloth inserts such as the joey bunz hemparoos. Cloth ain’t what it used to be! And g pants make it that much easier! For those interested, there is a yahoo group of “g moms” that will answer any questions you have and are super helpful – there is a learning curve – but once you get the hang of it – it’s easy as pie!!!
Tysha & Jacob
April 23, 2008
G Dipes are the best! Actually – about 75% of gdiaper users use cloth in them at least part time! I am having my first in June but have been a nanny for 11 years and after about 40 hours of research and lots of experimentation with different things my vote for #1 most environmentally friendly/ cost effective/ cute are the g’s with cloth inserts such as the joey bunz hemparoos. Cloth ain’t what it used to be! And g pants make it that much easier! For those interested, there is a yahoo group of “g moms” that will answer any questions you have and are super helpful – there is a learning curve – but once you get the hang of it – it’s easy as pie!!!
May 7, 2008
Does anyone know of anyone that makes cloth inserts for g diapers that fit without folding?
May 10, 2008
I made my own cloth inserts for the gdiapers by cutting up and sewing some flats in the right shape and it worked GREAT… for a week. That is how long my son was home from the hospital before he outgrew the size small. But, the cloth inserts in the g pants worked so well, we switched to cloth full time. I bet the Joey Bunz hemp pocket inserts would work in the larger sizes.
March 20, 2009
We’ve been using g’s for couple months now, and love them. I use both the flushies and cloth inserts. I got mine from another gmum at nappyshoppe.com
April 28, 2009
cottonwoodbaby.com makes wonderful fleece liners especially fit for gdiapers. A little pricey at first but when you’re using 10 dipaers or more a day, the cost evens out quickly!