Do you ever get anxiety from looking at the internet? Sometimes I sit down at my computer and I get so inspired by things that I go into sensory overload, it stresses me out. Right this second I have 5 billion things floating around in my brain. One of those things is the photography of Davina Zagury.

karey m.
April 1, 2008
what a find! i actually got chills. this would definitely soothe any inspiration overload…
April 1, 2008
I feel exactly the same way right now. I love these photos… they are wonderful!
Hearts and Crafts
April 1, 2008
These are definitely inspiring! I love them!
April 1, 2008
April 1, 2008
It happens quite often. That’s why I love in Google Reader I can star something and come back when I’ve had time to clear my head. Beautiful photos!
pve design
April 1, 2008
there’s nothing like a good overload of
inspiration. know what you mean. it can really bring out the anxiety, all this creative stuff, one click away.
April 1, 2008
If you didn’t have such amazing links maybe my anxiety would be kept under control. 🙂
April 1, 2008
Very pretty! I’ve avoided overload. I figure the internet’s abundance of creativity keeps my own creative pilot light lit.
Yankee Girl
April 1, 2008
I am so overloaded right now but I just can’t seem to stop. I do love stopping in and checking out what ispires you–it keeps me gounded and happy.
April 1, 2008
Oh man! It is so good to know I’m not the only one! I get overloaded/over inspired a lot. It is a great feeling, but hard to contain. That is part of the reason I started my blog, to collect my thoughts/inspirations/neat things I see.
Those photos are adorable.
April 1, 2008
Girl, I hear ya. Sometimes I just have to step away from the computer so I actually get some of my own projects done.
Isn’t it weird that you can get discouraged by inspiration sometimes?
April 1, 2008
yes, i am completely in touch with this emotion and have to take voluntary “internet-free” days to compensate 😉
I also find that if i spend too much time online getting “inspired”, then i never actually make anything…sad.
Joanna Goddard
April 1, 2008
April 1, 2008
I agree, sometimes it’s similar to playing a video game I suppose and you get charged up and overwhelmed (a little too much on my mental to-do board that just all can’t be done).
April 1, 2008
yes yes yes! there are so many wonderful ideas/inspirations/images/etc coming in everyday… sometimes it’s WAY to much for my brain to actually process all of that inspiration stimulation. taking a day (or a weekend!) off is usually the best medicine for me to actually get my own ideas flowing again.
April 1, 2008
seriously, that first photo is disturbing.
April 2, 2008
you should check out this ladies photography. Its pretty cool I thought. Bright and cheery. The website is:
Maggie Mason
April 2, 2008
Every moment passed in admiration is a moment someone else is using to felt something. I don’t know why I thought I was the only one who felt this way.
April 4, 2008
yes sometimes even when I am alone I look a around the apartment wishing I could instantly share my discovery with someone. The photos are lovely and you blog was one of those moments!