This story on Unconditional Love is my favorite This American Life program ever. I thought it was appropriate because of the impending holiday. {Maybe it is just because I was pregnant but when I first heard this I bawled really hard, just a warning.} You can listen to it for free on the site.
February 13, 2008
Those are two amazing stories. I know another first hand because I have an adult brother who is over 200 pounds and severely mentally handicapped. Thankfully he is a gentle giant and a very sweet boy. But he has the same troubles with sleep and bathroom that were mentioned in the second story and so I have been a witness to that kind of unconditional love on a daily basis as I have seen my family love this brother. My dad mainly takes care of him and he often tells us that it is a privilage to care for an angel on earth. Thanks for sharing this.
February 13, 2008
ps. I really do think like that commentator mentions in the first that love may be more important to life that food.
robin k
February 13, 2008
Thanks for posting this, Jordan. I can’t wait to listen to it.
February 13, 2008
Wow. So good. I cried too. And I hugged my kids a lot more this morning.
February 13, 2008
Analecia told me about this when i was pregnant with the boys! i’m glad you liked it too. we should discuss it next tuesday more
February 14, 2008
I’ve been a lurker on your blog, never left a comment before. But I had to thank you for posting this. I just listened. And I bawled (and I’m not even pregnant). I want to wake my baby just to hug her now.
February 14, 2008
Ever since you shared this with me a few months ago, I always make sure Annabelle and I gaze at each other. I think I’d do it anyway, but this story always reminds of how important it is.