I love those fortune telling fishes and I love Swedish Fish but I’ve never thought to put them together. I’ll definitely use this idea. These invitations by Lily Darby.

I love those fortune telling fishes and I love Swedish Fish but I’ve never thought to put them together. I’ll definitely use this idea. These invitations by Lily Darby.
February 5, 2008
Why do I feel the urge to go an buy a bag of Swedish Fish and visit the dollar store? Because I am weak and need to know my future, and because these invitations are insanely adorable. Thanks for sharing!
February 5, 2008
how fun!!!!
Joanna Goddard
February 8, 2008
i LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. but how would you get them in the envelope?
Abbey Goes Design Scouting
February 15, 2008
i used these fish as part of the decoration on my tables at our wedding.