A beautiful arrangement of carnations from my February Martha Stewart Living. In case you didn’t get the memo, it is no longer cool to hate on carnations.

A beautiful arrangement of carnations from my February Martha Stewart Living. In case you didn’t get the memo, it is no longer cool to hate on carnations.
February 28, 2008
I came across your blog while researching “lemon invitations.” I have a question about your baby shower invitations that you posted in April 2007. For my daughter’s 9-year-old birthday party she wants to have a lemon yellow party. I LOVE the style and idea of what you did. Can you share your resource for the pretty boxes, invites, and matching labels?
Taryn & Brendon
February 28, 2008
oh good! because my husband brought me home some this week. ha ha. he’s so cute…he was like “i don’t know what these are…but they look cool!”.
Taryn & Brendon
February 28, 2008
oh good! because my husband brought me home some this week. ha ha. he’s so cute…he was like “i don’t know what these are…but they look cool!”.
February 28, 2008
I’ve always loved carnations! They’re so ruffley and plush.
Jane Flanagan
February 28, 2008
My grandad used to grow carnations in his garden and I always associate the fragrance with him and his garden. I love that they’re affordable enough to buy a ginormous bunch too. And they last. I can’t remember why we ever hated them!
Joanna Goddard
February 28, 2008
that’s really pretty. yay! i always loved carnations so i’m glad they’re cool again. cool + cheap = carnations.
(taryn, that is adorable:)
rebekah @ elizabeth anne designs
February 28, 2008
Happy to be part of the “I was a carnation lover before loving carnations were cool” club. 🙂
February 28, 2008
can you get megan a copy of that memo? she is a hater, big time. i told her that is all we are gonna have at her funeral.
February 28, 2008
sorry…cool or not, i just don’t like carnations
February 29, 2008
This reminded me that my cute brother bought his wife a huge bouquet of pink gladiolas and then my mom kinda wrinkled her nose a bit.. because they were hating on gladiolas in her day.. but I love every flower including dandelions.. (I just don’t want them in my lawn..) and.. gladiolas are a lot of flower power for your buck..
February 29, 2008
yeah. definitely hard to convert to any affinity for carnations. but martha can make anything look cool.
February 29, 2008
I didn’t get the memo — thanks for telling me, as this makes me very happy. I’ve always loved how fluffy carnations are — they’re like the pom-pons of the flower world. Glad to see they’re getting their cred back.
I wonder if they’ll have a campaign. “Carnations: Not just for funerals anymore.”
Patricia Scarpin
February 29, 2008
Carrie Bradshaw was right! 🙂
February 29, 2008
Beautiful (: PS I don’t think it’s cool to hate on any flowers, unless it’s truly and irrevocably horrible, like the world’s largest flower [Rafflesia something?]
March 2, 2008
I actually didn’t get the memo, but posted my new love of carnations just this week:http://purplepetunialife.blogspot.com/2008/02/daily-lovely.html
the sweet spicy smell!
Ashley L.
March 3, 2008
ooooh that color! simply gorgeous! i just recently posted on pretty arrangements and even included some of my own photography! you should stop by and check it out when you get a chance! 🙂
nicole hill
March 3, 2008
i’m a long carnation hater… except in cool cluster balls like these.
Lizzy/The Tip Spot
March 6, 2008
i loved this arrangment too. i ripped it out for my file. i love how inexpensive this arrangement is to make on a grand scale as well.