Our friends Emily and Andy have a tradition of buying the “Board Game of the Year” every year. For 2007 it was Zooloretto. They had us over to play it, it was really fun.
I’ll be posting a little next week. Paul is still on paternity leave {best invention ever} so we’re trying to take advantage of it. Happy weekend.
January 5, 2008
Sounds fun!
January 6, 2008
Sounds like a neat tradition to get the game of the year each year.
Also, since your blog always has great design ideas I wanted to let you know that I just posted pictures of Ella’s new nursery on my blog. See if you like my work!
January 6, 2008
I apologize in advance, I didn’t find anywhere on your blog how to email you directly. I was curious about your blog: http://jordanferney.blogspot.com/2006/10/i-love-ebay.html. I was wondering what the dimensions of your suitcase was because I’m looking into buying one from ebay as well, but the ones I found were rather small. If you could reply back that would be great! Thanks.