The best thing about California {besides the moderate climate and fresh produce} is perhaps paternity leave. California law lets you take 12 weeks of paternity leave. Paul is only taking four but I don’t know how anyone gets by on less. We’ve loved having all this time to hang out as a family.

January 9, 2008
i love the basket! it was cute before, but with a baby filling it, it’s fantastic.
i can imagine that you are bombarded by comments about baby moses in the basket.
January 9, 2008
Oh gosh. Adorable!!
January 9, 2008
No such paternity leave policy in Indiana, and it’s totally lame. As my husband and I figure out when we want to jump into the parenthood boat, it’s really hard to imagine how much more limited the word’s view of fathering is than its view of mothering. Argh!
Sexy Lexi
January 9, 2008
Where’d you find that basinet, Jordan? It’s gorgeous…and so is your little one!
Amanda Conley
January 9, 2008
Never heard of paternity leave and I’m totally jealous! That would have made things a lot easier – and more fun! (not that I didn’t have fun with my babes, but you know what I mean)
P.s. your baby is beautiful.
January 9, 2008
I’d second that Jordan with paid state disability leave for new mom’s as well.
January 9, 2008
Oh, thank-you for the baby picture. So refreshing. A reminder, too, that time flies and newborn moments are precious.
January 9, 2008
You can’t post a picture of a fantastic basket like that and NOT tell us where you got it! Do tell!!
Jane Flanagan
January 9, 2008
Moses in a Moses-basket (do you call them that in the US?). So beautiful.
January 9, 2008
funny, i was just thinking about the lack of paid maternity/paternity leave at my grad school and how much that will negatively impact our lives.
thank goodness my home state remains avant garde in all things reasonable!
the bassinet is amazing, especially with that bedding.
January 9, 2008
he looks like Heaven.
January 9, 2008
what a darling!
I hope he continues to love sleeping in your bassinet because he looks so peaceful and pretty.
my baby decided after a few weeks that he really didn’t like his cradle. 🙁
January 9, 2008
4 weeks??? wow! Spencer stayed home with us for almost a week, and then he had back to back trips for about a month. You are very lucky….
BTW where did you get the basinet bedding?
January 9, 2008
Paid family leave in California is actually up to six weeks with partial pay. Does his employer allow for the extra six week?
January 9, 2008
Oh I love paternity leave too. Up here in Oregon one can also take 12 weeks off. My husband is planning to take (hopefully) 8 weeks off at least when this baby is born. He took off 8 weeks when I had my daughter and it was so fabulous. I don’t know how women cope otherwise!!
Tonia Conger
January 9, 2008
Un heard of! I’m glad you and Paul have had some time together (sort of). I sure it has been helpful to have another set of hands there while you are getting your routine down.
January 10, 2008
The bassinet is from a sample sale. Apparently it is from a Paris flea market.
The bedding is from Pottery Barn kids.
January 10, 2008
well…best paternity/mothernity leave is in croatia; we have 12 months – full salary payed by health security for 6 months /and other 6 months also payed, but little bit less/- for mothers, with fathers is little bit different but also possible.
we are all here used to it and i can’t imagine it to be otherwise; this little people need us so much at the beginning.. 🙂 I think this is human and totally natural, and should be like that everywhere.
I visit your blog very, very often and like the style, pics and everything you put on – but above all – your enthusiasm, optimism and creativity!
this basket is great; I love my Wendy Bellissimo moses basket and can’t wait to fill it with one sweet little baby soon! /I’m waiting for my second child/.
perfect bound
January 11, 2008
Oh so cute. Enjoy every moment. I hope you are getting some sleep as well!
Pomegranate and Patchouli
January 11, 2008
The crib/basket is gorgeous!
January 13, 2008
I just found your blog, so good! Your baby is beautiful. The bassinet is gorgeous too.
January 15, 2008
in canada we have 1 year of paid leave (at about half salary), and you can share it with your partner if you like, which is fabulous, i feel lucky now!
cute basket!