Rebecca gave me this awesome calendar for my birthday. Unfortunately it is sold out–but I am LOVING all the other great things in this Etsy shop including this fantastic Valentines day card. I especially want one of these knitted creatures from her site. Visit Debi’s great blog here.

January 28, 2008
oh I really like those gift tags.
January 28, 2008
Jordon, I am a lurker ready to come out. I really love your sense of style. Keep it up. You can check out my blog at
January 28, 2008
love the valentine.
January 28, 2008
I like the originality of her designs! very refreshing, and the Valentine’s are so so cute.
January 28, 2008
oh my gosh! those little creatures are hilarious…i love all their little arms! so funny!
debi van zyl
January 29, 2008
thanks so much for the the nice post about my work! i’m so happy you like the calendar… as well as the card and little knitted beasts 🙂