I keep my wrapping paper stored in a stripey suitcase and I keep my ribbon-of-the-moment on a stand. I did a gift wrap post last year if you need some sources.

I keep my wrapping paper stored in a stripey suitcase and I keep my ribbon-of-the-moment on a stand. I did a gift wrap post last year if you need some sources.
Mode Boutique
December 4, 2007
where is that ribbon stand from? something like that would come in handy right now.
December 4, 2007
It is a towel stand for a bathroom. I got it at a boutique a few years ago. They don’t carry them anymore.
December 4, 2007
The suitcase idea is genius!
Just today I wrapped presents & when I went to get the paper they were all squished & unorganized!!
Why doesn’t my brain work like yours? Good ideas.
December 4, 2007
the ribbon stand is pure genius! i must rig up something similar!
by the way–i know you are due soon…i just had my baby girl. she is 2 weeks old today! ?(see blog for pics) it is amazing..but oh so hard to get up in the middle of the night!
December 4, 2007
Love the suitcase for wrapping paper. What a brilliant idea!
December 4, 2007
Holy fabulous, batman! That stripy suitcase rocks! I kinda have a thing for cool luggage. Great idea.
December 5, 2007
i love your ribbon stand, where is it from?
December 5, 2007
The pictures of your wrapped gifts from last year are part of my Christmas inspiration for this year. I’ve got a giant roll of brown kraft paper for a slightly more rustic touch, along with some deep red and some green & red stripey paper. And some lovely satin ribbons, and striped twine too. Thanks for the inspiration!
April ~ Living the Sweet Life
December 5, 2007
I have always loved old suit cases & wondered what I would do with one if go tone well, this year I inherited a beautiful old suit case the kind with the leather handle from my grandfather. Now I know what I will do with it! Thanks for the idea.
P.S. we are giving away some American Crafts gift wrap the week before Christmas on my blog 😉
December 5, 2007
Oh,I can’t believe that I’ve lived without Papermart all this time… Its wares will greatly enhance my collection of packaging materials. Though in an effort to be more ‘green’ I did challenge myself not to buy anymore wrapping paper, gift tags, gift boxes etc and just use what I had…it’s fun, but walking past lovely displays of paper and packaging where I can only look but not touch does make it challenging!
{this is glamorous}
December 5, 2007
Your suitcase full of wrapping paper is fantastic–what a great idea!
December 5, 2007
OHH! I love that!
Kerry - www.girlfridayindustries.com
December 6, 2007
I have that same stripey suitcase!!