Posting will be a little sparse today. I’m trying to finish up the goods I’m selling at the ReadyMade Bazaar. Here is a sneak peek of some of the holiday labels I’m making.

Posting will be a little sparse today. I’m trying to finish up the goods I’m selling at the ReadyMade Bazaar. Here is a sneak peek of some of the holiday labels I’m making.
December 5, 2007
Those are so darling!
Jennifer Leal
December 5, 2007
Are you going to sell these on etsy?
Creole Wisdom
December 5, 2007
They look so fresh!!!
December 5, 2007
love those green ones…..hope you’ll be selling these for us non-californians soon!
December 6, 2007
Cute! I wish we still lived in San Francisco so I could come see them in person. Any chance you’ll be putting some up in your Etsy shop?
December 6, 2007
Love those!
Sarah S
December 6, 2007
ESTY!!! Pretty Please… the green poka dots.. and curvy red ones are sooo sooo lovely…
December 6, 2007
Darling! What program do you use to design?
December 7, 2007
I wanna go to the ReadyMade Bazaar. No fair! 🙁
(Your tags are cute, too.)
December 7, 2007
I made them using the Adobe Creative Suite.