i took this picture in college of andy’s fan, same one. awesome.
November 15, 2007
I love it! Ash has a really cool one that Kb & I both want to steal!
Mary Elizabeth Liberty
November 15, 2007
Just be careful not to let any fingers wander in through that cage, I bought a similar one and although it works fine, the woman who sold it to me made me promise not to ever use it because I’d surely get a finger chopped off.
Desi McKinnon
November 25, 2007
I have the same fan. I love it. Mine has a little rust which makes me love it even more. I bought it at a flea market in Santa Cruz. I would keep it on a high shelf when running.
November 15, 2007
absolutely gorgeous.
jared stanley
November 15, 2007
i took this picture in college of andy’s fan, same one. awesome.
November 15, 2007
I love it! Ash has a really cool one that Kb & I both want to steal!
Mary Elizabeth Liberty
November 15, 2007
Just be careful not to let any fingers wander in through that cage, I bought a similar one and although it works fine, the woman who sold it to me made me promise not to ever use it because I’d surely get a finger chopped off.
Desi McKinnon
November 25, 2007
I have the same fan. I love it. Mine has a little rust which makes me love it even more. I bought it at a flea market in Santa Cruz. I would keep it on a high shelf when running.