I just saw this great shelf on Apartment Therapy NY. Whenever I see something I like at IKEA I try not to get too excited. Because when I go there in person to inspect, it usually disappoints. I’ve been looking for something similiar to this Linnarp Shelf for a while now. We need more storage space in our studio. Maybe I’ll try to get to IKEA this weekend to see it.

July 23, 2007
I could just picture it full of colorful paper and paintbrushes. A perfect artist’s shelf.
Alyssa Coberly
July 24, 2007
actually i was at ikea last night and saw it … stopped me in my tracks! its a very cute shelf! and if i had room in my apartment it may have been strapped to the jetta for the ride home :0) alas, it was not …
July 24, 2007
I saw this a few weeks ago at IKEA and it instantly called to me. We’re looking for shelving but I just don’t have the room for this red beauty.
July 28, 2007
I liked it too, and just like you I wonder what the quality is like. I have been looking for something just like it, so let me know if it is as good as it looks!
August 6, 2007
I got this very cabinet after seeing it at Apartment Therapy NY
I’m happy to report it is solid wood (pine, but it is still more sturdy than the MDF stuff) and it is lovely in person.
If you want to see more I blogged about it here
October 3, 2009
I bought this in the "as is" mark down section (it was an assembled floor model) not a mark on it. Everyone who sees it thinks its beautiful. Had to get it home myself since IKEA can't deliver as is items. I don't mind that it won't outlive me many generations because it is just so beautiful.