We went to the San Francisco Giants and Oakland A’s game last week. It was fun because the fans were totally egging each other on. I LOVE live sporting events. We usually only go when we get free/cheap tickets which is for the best considering I LOVE ballpark food. Ballpark food=small fortune. Gourmet Kosher hot dogs are the best. We bought two hot dogs and two drinks and it was about $30. Yikes!
Queen Scarlett
June 18, 2007
Did you try the smelly, garlic fries… Yum.
June 18, 2007
We caught a Battle of the Bay last June, but I didn’t need a hat to keep warm! We’re coming back for another visit to your city in August and we already have our Giants tickets.
June 21, 2007
I sincerely hope you Giants fans are not rooting for the awful Barry Bonds to break Hank Aaron’s record. As a huge baseball fan (Red Sox Nation, thank you), and as someone who saw the game where Hank broke Babe’s record (on TV, not in person), I wish the powers that be in baseball would suspend his &^%$!!!! No one’s head gets that big on its own!