I was trolling Etsy and I found these great hand made leather bound journals. They aren’t cheap but they sure are beautiful.

I was trolling Etsy and I found these great hand made leather bound journals. They aren’t cheap but they sure are beautiful.
April 30, 2007
But what about the poor animal who was killed to bring you this book? There are some very lovely materials available that are cruelty-free.
I love your blog and would love to see some animal-friendly posts in the future!
April 30, 2007
Maybe it is made out of the skin of the steak I had for dinner last night! It was so yummy.
April 30, 2007
you could totally keep something like that around to have your visitors write about what they did (and add a photo of them!!)
I wish we had done something like that while we lived in NY.
April 30, 2009
Does anyone know where to get one of those?
May 29, 2009
i tried searching for this but i couldn`t find it. Do you have any idea where i could get it, i really want one!!!!!